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PHP 5 Tutorial. Most Popular Programming Languages of 2014 — CodeEval. Every year we release data on the "Most Popular Programming Languages" based on thousands of data points we've collected by processing over 100,000+ coding tests and challenges by over 2,000+ employers.

Most Popular Programming Languages of 2014 — CodeEval

This gives us a pretty good idea on what the trends are for the upcoming year in terms of what companies are looking for. It's data we hope will be especially helpful for new computer sciences graduates or coders looking to stay ahead of the curve. Best free sites for learning how to write code. Not so long ago, typing was for secretaries, journalists, and would-be authors.

Best free sites for learning how to write code

Now we're all tapping away at keyboards and screens from morning until night. The number of people who spend their workday coding continues to soar. In the not-too-distant future, writing code may be as commonplace as typing and other forms of text-keying are today. Learning how to code has never been easier. Whether you're a programming newbie or an old hand looking to learn a new skill or two, these four free services have you covered. All four of the coding tutorials I tested have their positive attributes (ahem), but my favorite is LearnStreet's Ruby for Beginners, which was just my speed. The video lessons in Khan Academy's Programming curriculum keep you engaged in the subject and are perfect for folks starting at square one. I made it through 24 percent of the Codecademy's Ruby tutorial before I hit a lesson that stopped me in my tracks: in the loops section, of course.

Learn X in Y Minutes: Scenic Programming Language Tours. 8 Tips to Make you a Formatting Pro. Posted on December 5th, 2011 in Excel Howtos , Learn Excel - 18 comments We can take any Excel workbook and format it until Christmas, and we would still not be done.

8 Tips to Make you a Formatting Pro

But not many of us have so much of time or energy. So, today, lets talk formatting. 1. Use tables to format data quickly Introduced in Excel 2007, Excel Tables are an incredibly powerful way to handle a bunch of related data. Learn more about Excel Tables. 2. So you have made a spreadsheet model or dashboard. 3. Consistency is an important aspect of formatting. To apply cell styles, just select all the cells you want to have same style and from Home ribbon, select the style you want (from styles area). Learn how to use cell styles in Excel. 4. Format painter is a beautiful tool part of all Office programs. 5.

Sometimes, you just want to start with a clean slate. Simple, just select all the cells, and go to Home > Clear > Clear Formats. 6. Formatting is an everyday activity. 7. 8. What are your favorite formatting tips? Probabilistic-Programming-and-Bayesian-Methods-for-Hackers/Chapter1_Introduction/Chapter1_Introduction.ipynb at master · CamDavidsonPilon/Probabilistic-Programming-and-Bayesian-Methods-for-Hackers. Beautiful Soup: We called him Tortoise because he taught us. [ Download | Documentation | Hall of Fame | For enterprise | Source | Changelog | Discussion group | Zine ] You didn't write that awful page. You're just trying to get some data out of it. Beautiful Soup is here to help. Since 2004, it's been saving programmers hours or days of work on quick-turnaround screen scraping projects.

Beautiful Soup is a Python library designed for quick turnaround projects like screen-scraping. Beautiful Soup provides a few simple methods and Pythonic idioms for navigating, searching, and modifying a parse tree: a toolkit for dissecting a document and extracting what you need. Beautiful Soup parses anything you give it, and does the tree traversal stuff for you. Valuable data that was once locked up in poorly-designed websites is now within your reach.