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Achara Masoodi Why Recycle when you can Upcycle. Designer clothing, accessories, music and books. Making Cork Stamps. If you're in the habit of collecting things like I am, you likely have a bunch of wine corks taking up residence in the cookie jar just begging to be put to some kinda use.

Making Cork Stamps

Ya do, don't ya? Well guess what, I know just the thing. Untitled. Friends - BalkanTango - Recycled Bicycle Inner Tube Bags, Purses and More. Recycled Chess board. DIY Steampunk Hardware Chess Set – Gomi Style TV « GOMI Style. Posted by Marque Cornblatt under DIY, gomi | Tags: chess, hardware, rust, steampunk, steel | [8] Comments Make a cool, retro, steampunk-inspired chess set from assorted hardware, a found table and some common chemicals. This project is fast, easy and looks great. Reclaimed Wood Stool. URBAN EVOLUTIONS.


Recycled Tee Shirt Scarves. Comfort Fashion Like a security blanket for the grown-up set, this super-soft and simple scarf is made of everyone's favorite comfort fashion: T-shirts.

Recycled Tee Shirt Scarves

Made from unused, reclaimed cotton T-shirt scraps collected from apparel factories, this lightweight accessory will always make you feel like you're cuddled up at home in your favorite Tee. Made in the USA. Aspiro, a non-profit in Green Bay, Wisconsin that specializes in teaching job skills to cognitively disabled adults participated in the construction of these scarves. The scarves are cut and sewn by adults in the program, giving them an opportunity for independent living.

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