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Accident Care Chiropractic & Massage

If you’re in need of relief from pain caused by car accident injuries, you can turn to a car accident chiropractor at Accident Care Chiropractic. Unlike a typical car accident doctor, you can expect our team of chiropractors and therapists to provide you with high quality and scientifically-based chiropractic care, physical therapy, rehabilitation, and massage therapy. Though we specialize in treating whiplash caused by a car accident, our team has successfully treated patients with other conditions, like back pain. Here, we make use of the latest tools and the most comprehensive therapy that can help us diagnose and treat our patients. Start your road to recovery with the help of an auto accident chiropractor at Accident Care Chiropractor.

Automobile Injury Chiropractic Care Can Speed Up Your Recovery. Take Your Fender Bender Injuries Seriously with Help from a Car Accident Chiropractor. Alleviating Symptoms of Car Accident Back Pain With Chiropractic Care. Recovery From an Auto Accident: A Chiropractor Provides Relief. Automobile Injury Chiropractic: Viable Treatment, Rehabilitation, and Care Options. Find Out How a Car Accident Chiropractor Can Help You Get Back on Track. Recover Quickly from Whiplash After Car Accident by Learning What to Do Post-Collision. When you’ve been involved in an automobile accident, it’s important to know what to do as well as what not to do.

Recover Quickly from Whiplash After Car Accident by Learning What to Do Post-Collision

For example, you’ll certainly want to get insurance and driver’s license information from the other driver, but you should also make sure that you seek immediate medical attention for any injuries. Additionally, while you should cooperate with the police and your insurance company as they investigate the accident, it is usually a good idea to not talk with a representative from the other party’s insurance company until you have your own legal representation. Even though your intentions might be to be completely honest, some things you say can be misconstrued by a party looking to place fault where none exists. It never hurts to make sure that you are informed and properly represented. Have You Been Injured in the Accident? Sometimes injuries are obvious and you’ll be rushed immediately to an area hospital or clinic for a medical evaluation. Do You Need an Attorney? Source: When to See an Automobile Injury Chiropractic Specialist. Getting injured in an automobile accident can not only cause emotional trauma, but it can cause physical trauma, too.

When to See an Automobile Injury Chiropractic Specialist

Even if you didn’t have fractures or similar injuries, you might still experience all kinds of body aches and pains that weren’t there prior to the accident. It can be difficult to discern, however, when your pains are serious enough that you need to see an automobile injury chiropractic specialist and when these injuries can be allowed to heal up on their own. There are some telltale signs that will let you know when you need to seek a chiropractor’s help.

Sharp Pains If you’re experiencing any sharp, stabbing pains that render you momentarily breathless, then it’s highly advised that you seek out the services of a chiropractor. Frequent Headaches While every headache isn’t necessarily attributed to muscular issues, it could be the reason for the headaches you’ve been experiencing of late if you were involved in a car accident. What to Expect from a Chiropractor Sources: Seek Pain Relief through Holistic Healing with a Car Accident Doctor. Car accident victims go through a lot.

Seek Pain Relief through Holistic Healing with a Car Accident Doctor

Having experienced a traumatic event is stressful enough, but living with the unbearable pain from the aftermath makes it all harder to bear. Common Injuries in an Auto Accident That a Car Accident Chiropractor Can Treat. Spinal injuries are common with car accidents because the body absorbs part of the impact and is not strong enough to withstand it.

Common Injuries in an Auto Accident That a Car Accident Chiropractor Can Treat

The spine is usually abruptly jerked, resulting in spinal injury. Your back may not be broken, but there are several spinal injuries and conditions that can develop from auto accidents. Why You Should Go to a Chiropractor for Car Accident Back Pain Treatment. Many car accident victims complain of back pain even days after the incident.

Why You Should Go to a Chiropractor for Car Accident Back Pain Treatment

If their injuries are non-fatal and nothing serious comes up in x-rays, doctors may give them pain medication and advise rest. Car accident back pain, however, whether it’s debilitating or simply uncomfortable, can affect the quality of your life as well as your school or work performance. Back pain interrupts your ability to move with ease and affects concentration. Suffering from back pain can make you feel irritable and unhappy. Besides the usual ice or hot packs and pain medicine, there’s another way to treat back pain from your injuries- chiropractic care.

Knowing the Chiropractic Treatments for Whiplash Car Accident Victims. Some people are unaware that a low-velocity, rear-end collision can lead to whiplash injuries.

Knowing the Chiropractic Treatments for Whiplash Car Accident Victims

A whiplash happens when a sudden head movement tears the muscles, ligaments, and soft tissues of the neck. At the onset, the patient may not feel any form of tenderness; however, whiplash pain can develop 24 hours or more after the collision. An Auto Accident Chiropractor Uses Alternative Treatments for Neck and Back Pains. A Car Accident Doctor Can Perform Chiropractic Manipulations to Treat Low Back Pain. Car crashes can affect the back and potentially result in recurring low back pain, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS).

A Car Accident Doctor Can Perform Chiropractic Manipulations to Treat Low Back Pain

Medicine, such as ibuprofen and mefenamic acid, may temporarily alleviate pain, but many patients who are tired of the discomfort of their injuries seek out alternative treatments like chiropractic. A car accident doctor usually offers chiropractic manipulation techniques to treat back pain; however, some patients are unsure of how manipulation can help them. To allay your doubts, here are the latest scientific evidence on the effectiveness and safety of spinal manipulation methods. Overview of Chiropractic Manipulation Spinal manipulation, also called spinal manipulative therapy, may be executed by hand or with devices. Early Mobilization for Whiplash Due to Car Accident and Other Treatment Procedures. Car accidents, including low-velocity ones, can have delayed effects on your body.

Early Mobilization for Whiplash Due to Car Accident and Other Treatment Procedures

In particular, whiplash, caused by a sudden backward or forward head motion, may show symptoms only after 24 hours or a few days. Even rear-end low-speed collisions at the speed of 10 to 15 kilometers per hour have been connected to whiplashes. Patients who have whiplash may experience neck pain, headaches, and low back pain apart from dizziness and shoulder pain. While minor whiplashes may be cured by rest, studies indicate the importance of early movement to an improved rate of recuperation. Here’s what you need to know about the role of early movement in addressing symptoms of whiplash caused by car accident and other possible treatment options. Treatment Options for Back Pain from an Automobile Injury Chiropractic.

Low back pain is one of the main complaints for more than 50% of rear-end collisions and nearly 75% of side-impact crashes, according to the Back and Neck Pain Center.

Treatment Options for Back Pain from an Automobile Injury Chiropractic

Injured muscles, ligaments, nerves, or vertebra may cause short-term or chronic low back pain. Many of these injuries, however, can be treated through chiropractic care. A Car Accident Doctor Offers Treatments for Vehicular Crash Injuries. In 2015, around 2.44 million people became injured due to vehicular accidents.

A Car Accident Doctor Offers Treatments for Vehicular Crash Injuries

Car accident injuries may include mild sprains, disk herniation, bruises, fractured vertebrae, and spinal cord damage. Furthermore, while some people may not experience intense pain immediately after the accident, more than 70% who go to the emergency room report pain 6 weeks after, based on the research of the University of North Carolina School of Medicine. Many of these patients complained of low back pain and neck pain. If you’ve been in an auto accident, you might be interested in understanding why you feel back pain.

How a Car Accident Chiropractor Can Help Treat Neck and Back Injuries. Car accidents, including low-velocity collisions, can result in different kinds of injuries all over the body. Head-on and rear crashes, for instance, may hurt your head and injure the brain. Apart from head injuries, neck and back pain are two of the most common types of non-fatal auto crash injuries. Drivers and passengers on the side that’s been hit are particularly prone to neck injuries due to the impact of frontal or side collisions on neck muscles and ligaments.