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[INFOHIGHTECH] [INFOHIGHTECH] Abdelhak El Amrani. H2O Innovation - traitement de l'eau - filtration membranaire - osmose inverse - nanofiltration. Handbook Biological Wastewater Treatment - Design Theory - 8.3 Anaerobic Digestion. When activated sludge is kept in an anaerobic environment, specialised bacteria will develop that use the excess sludge as a source of organic matter for fermentative metabolic processes. The end products of the fermentation are mainly methane and carbon dioxide. The overall conversion process of complex organic matter into methane and carbon dioxide can be divided into four steps as shown in Figure 8.12: hydrolysis, acidification, acetogenesis and methanogenesis. The following items will be discussed in this section: (1) Theory and stoichiometrics of anaerobic sludge digestion The four metabolic steps (hydrolysis, acidogenenis, acetogenenis and methanogenesis) as shown in Figure 8.12 will be discussed in more detail, including the stoichiometry of the different reactions and the effect on alkalinity and pH.

. (2) Anaerobic sludge digestion configurations In this section several anaerobic digester configurations are discussed: (4) Anaerobic sludge digester performance. Flooded London 2030. [Image: From "Floating City 2030: Thames Estuary Aquatic Urbanism" by Anthony Lau]. Continuing with a look at some noteworthy student projects—which kicked off this week with thesis work by Taylor Medlin—we now look at a proposal by Anthony Lau, submitted back in 2008 at the Bartlett School of Architecture in London.

For that project, Lau designed a "floating city" for the Thames Estuary, ca. 2030 A.D. This "Thames Estuary Aquatic Urbanism," as Lau refers to it, "gives new life to decommissioned ships and oil platforms by converting them into hybrid homes adapted for aquatic living. " While the idea of offshore architecture has been relatively depleted of its novelty over the last few years, the presentation and imaginative extent of Lau's idea is of sufficiently high quality to deserve wider exposure and a longer look. [Images: From "Floating City 2030" by Anthony Lau]. "Most modern floating architecture involves new-build modular systems for mass production," Lau writes.

EAU&3E – ANR Villes durables | la durabilité des services d’eau dans les grandes villes. Laboratoire Eau Environnement et Systèmes Urbains (LEESU) </BOUCLE_rubrique_head> Laboratoire Eau Environnement et Systèmes Urbains (LEESU) </BOUCLE_article_head> L’objectif général du projet GARP-3C, coordonné par Schertzer Daniel est d’évaluer les évolutions à préparer pour les services d’assainissement dans le contexte du changement climatique. Il faut à la fois réduire considérablement les présentes incertitudes sur l’évolution des extrêmes hydrologiques, et, dans le cadre des incertitudes résiduelles, commencer à évaluer les enjeux scientifiques et socio-techniques posés aux services de gestion de l’eau, particulièrement à ceux de la région parisienne. La prévention des inondations et la réduction de leurs conséquences, lors des crises du système de gestion, représentent un enjeu économique et social majeur.

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