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Feed Rinse – Herramienta para filtrar RSS, ahora gratis | Pixelco blog. FeedScrub, filtrado de contenidos en canales RSS según entrenamiento previo. Recientemente se han repartido invitaciones desde algunos blogs para que los usuarios podamos acceder a FeedScrub, un servicio que nos permite el filtrado de contenidos dentro de nuestros canales RSS, tal y como haríamos en nuestra bandeja de correo electrónico con aquellos correos indeseados.

Cuando nos encontremos en nuestro panel de control, simplemente tenemos que añadir hasta tres canales RSS, límite disponible en las cuentas gratuitas, aunque más adelante tendremos opción a ampliar este límite. Sobre cada uno de los canales RSS añadidos, se nos facilitará nuevos canales RSS, que serán los que tengamos que usar en nuestro agregador habitual en reemplazo de los originales. Y lo mejor viene ahora, que es el aprendizaje, algo que llevará su tiempo, para que FeedScrub filtre según nuestros intereses. Tenemos dos vías, ya sea directamente a través de nuestro agregador o a través de nuestro panel de control, iremos tanto salvando como descartando aquellas entradas según queramos.

Filter RSS feeds with Feed Rinse. Rewire the web. Index. Free web application for brainstorming online. Blog. With Pearltrees you were already organizing what you like on the web? Now it gets even faster, but also customizable and more practical! So, what’s new ? 1/ Account customization: Custom avatars Instead of each of your pearltrees having only your original avatar, you can now use whatever avatar you like for each pearltree. 2/ User interface upgrades: Zoom Now, whether you like your pearls bigger or smaller the choice is yours. Full-screen videos Pearltrees’ browser have been displaying full screen videos from your mainstream video services like Youtube, Dailymotion, Vimeo etc… Now, we are supporting more that 50 video services, including Twitvid,, and many more!

Collapsable lists of your pearltrees Now you can simply and easily filter what’s visible in your list of pearltrees to make organizing faster and easier – just click the arrows alongside the name your pearltrees to open or collapse each tree. Label “new“ The Super Embed 3/ Performance improvements: Faster browsing. 11 Free Mind Mapping Applications & Web Services - Stepcase Lifehack. Mind mapping is a way of taking notes, capturing ideas, exploring concepts and breaking down information into a more readily understood format. It’s a place where visual representations and written representations of things merge to create something that is more natural to the mind; it works with and represents the way we think, where as paragraph-based text is not representative of the thought process at all.

There are a million and one uses for mind mapping. You can use it to study for a big exam. You can use it brainstorm new article ideas, or flesh out what needs to be covered in the business plan for a new venture. You can organize a big move of house; heck, I’ve seen people use the mind map format for their daily to-do lists (each to their own, eh?). There are huge advantages to creating your mind maps with paper and pen. is a free web-based mind mapping application. RecallPlus is commercial software with a lighter free edition.

What is similar to PearlTrees Website - Spicynodes. Pearltrees - Descargas gratuitas de software y análisis de programas.