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A Blessed Call To Love

Bringing the love of God to as many people as possible through these Irish blessings. We seek to help people to understand a blessed love that saves and heals. We pray for the health and well being of those to whom these Irish Blessings go out to.

Blessed Sara Salkahazi (martyr) healing oil - A Blessed Call to Love. Teacher, bookbinder, milliner, journalist: this was the resume of Blessed Sara Salkahazi when she applied to join the Sisters of Social Service, a Hungarian religious society that today is also active in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Taiwan and the Philippines.

Blessed Sara Salkahazi (martyr) healing oil - A Blessed Call to Love

She studied to become a teacher. In the classroom, she learned through her students about the social problems of the poor. Which she publicized via newspaper articles. She became a member of the Christian Socialist Party and then worked as editor of that party’s newspaper, focusing on women’s social problems. The Bishops of Slovakia then entrusted her with the organization of the National Girls’ Movement.

Oil dedicated to St Aloysius Gonzaga on prayer cloth, Blessed Call to Love. Gonzaga was born the eldest of seven children, at his family’s castle, into the illustrious House of Gonzaga.

Oil dedicated to St Aloysius Gonzaga on prayer cloth, Blessed Call to Love

His mother was a lady in waiting to Isobel, the wife of Phillip of Spain. As the first-born son, he was in line to inherit his father’s title and status of Marquis. His father assumed that Aloysius would become a soldier. His military training started at an early. Also, he received an education in languages and the arts. He grew up amid the violence and brutality of Renaissance, Italy. Aloysius returned to Castiglione where he met Cardinal Charles Borromeo. Bunny Be Lillybow & Hazeleen greeting card, A Blessed Call to Love. The Bunny Be Lillybow & Hazeleen greeting card is dedicated to two of our smaller bunnies who are great pals.

Bunny Be Lillybow & Hazeleen greeting card, A Blessed Call to Love

They enjoy being together. Consequently, the two female bunnies hate being separated even for a small amount of time. Each Bunny has a unique characteristic. For example, Lillybow has what look like a cute bow marking beside her nose, hence the name Lillybow. The card is part of our new series of Bunny Be cards that are colourful, vibrant and great fun. There is nothing happier than watching two small bunnies playing and hopping. Make them a personal greeting The Bunny Be personalised cards are greeting cards that can be for any occasion. The Bunny Be cards are brought to you in love, especially for sick children. Just fill in the form we have provided and our Bunny Be card, or cards, will be on their way. Blessed Anthony Bonfadini (incorrupt) healing oil. The Blessed Anthony Bonfadini healing oil is dedicated to the 15th century Italian Franciscan saint.

Blessed Anthony Bonfadini (incorrupt) healing oil

He spent the early part of his life enjoying the leisure of amusements of court life. At the age of thirty-nine, he abandoned his comfortable existence. He joined the Franciscan Order. Blessed Angelo of Acri healing oil, A Blessed Call to Love, Ireland. Description Blessed Angelo of Acri healing oil The Blessed Angelo of Acri healing oil is dedicated to the 18th century Capuchin preacher.

Blessed Angelo of Acri healing oil, A Blessed Call to Love, Ireland

He preached in southern Italy among the peasant population of the province of Calabria. Angelo was born in the little town of Acri, Italy. Angelo of Acri entered the Capuchin convent, but he did not persevere. God gave him special graces and he came forth victorious from the struggle. As a priest his fervour at Holy Mass was sometimes so great that he was rapt in ecstasy and would spend a long time in thanksgiving, crying out with our holy Father St Francis: “O Love that is not loved! Angelo begins to preach Ordered to prepare himself to preach missions, Angelo did so with the greatest care. Returning to his cell, Blessed Angelo of Acri cast himself on his knees, acknowledged his shortcomings, and pleaded with God to make His will known to him. Martyrs of Daimiel healing oil - A Blessed Call to Love. Description Martyrs of Daimiel healing oil On July 21, 1936 in the monastery of Martyrs of Daimiel were 31 men, mostly students preparing for ordination and expecting to be sent to Mexico or Cuba.

Martyrs of Daimiel healing oil - A Blessed Call to Love

Most were aged 18-21. The oldest member of the community was 54. Niceforo was 43. The resulting article began with the words, “At last after much traveling, I am back at our beautiful monastery, here in Zaragoza.”. Niceforo went on to describe the sufferings of the Mexican Church, including a touching description of a secret Eucharist to which he was directed by a woman selling fruits and vegetables outside a closed church. St Gianna Molla healing cream - A blessed Call to Love, Ireland. Description St Gianna Molla healing cream St Gianna Molla healing cream is dedicated to one of our modern saints.

St Gianna Molla healing cream - A blessed Call to Love, Ireland

Saint Gianna Beretta Molla (4 October 1922 – 28 April 1962) was an Italian pediatrician. When she was pregnant with her fourth child, Molla refused both an abortion and a hysterectomy, despite knowing that continuing with the pregnancy could result in her own death, as it in fact did. She was canonized as a saint of the Roman Catholic Church in 2004 [vc_separator type=’transparent’ position=’center’ color=” thickness=” up=” down=’100′]

St Germaine healing oil - A Blessed Call to Love, Ireland. Little Nellie of Holy God Song by Maria Antoine. Hello Lord I'm thinking of You today Album - A Blessed Call to Love, Ireland. Description Hello Lord I’m thinking of You today Album.

Hello Lord I'm thinking of You today Album - A Blessed Call to Love, Ireland

Bunny Be Leon greeting card - A Blessed Call to Love, Ireland. Description Bunny Be Leon greeting card The Bunny Be Leon greeting card is dedicated to one of our latest and smaller bunnies.

Bunny Be Leon greeting card - A Blessed Call to Love, Ireland

Each Bunny has a unique characteristic. For example, Leon has an unusual fox like colour and is a very lively active bunny. He thinks he is a lion. The card is part of our new series of Bunny Be cards that are colourful, vibrant and great fun. There is nothing happier than watching two small bunnies playing and hopping. Make them a personal greeting The Bunny Be personalised cards are greeting cards that can be for any occasion. The Bunny Be cards are brought to you in love, especially for sick children. Just fill in the form we have provided and our Bunny Be card, or cards, will be on their way. Martyr St Arcadius on prayer cloth - A Blessed Call to Love.

Description Oil dedicated to Martyr St Arcadius on prayer cloth Martyr St Arcadius was a native of Africa and most probably suffered in Caesarea.

Martyr St Arcadius on prayer cloth - A Blessed Call to Love

A furious persecution during which the Christians were cruelly dragged before the idols to sacrifice was raging. Cream dedicated to St Anne - A Blessed Call to Love, Ireland. Description Cream dedicated to St Anne The Cream dedicated to St Anne is in honour of the mother of Mary who was the mother of Jesus. According to apocryphal Christian and Islamic tradition, Saint Anne was the mother of Mary and grandmother of Jesus. Mary’s mother is not named in the canonical gospels. In writing, Anne’s name and that of her husband Joachim come only from New Testament apocrypha.

Her words upon delivering Mary reflect her status as a great mystic.