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CloudSpokes - Crowdsourcing Development Community. Réseaux sociaux d’entreprise : faut-il brûler le cahier des charges ? 01net. le 01/02/12 à 07h00 Que coûte la rédaction du sacro-saint cahier des charges en temps, ressources et énergie ?

Réseaux sociaux d’entreprise : faut-il brûler le cahier des charges ?

La question vaut la peine d’être posée, surtout lorsqu’ils atterrissent chez les éditeurs après des fortunes diverses, de multiples remaniements et l’intégration de besoins tous azimuts qui en font des monstres hybrides et obsolètes… Le plus souvent, ils décrivent des fonctionnalités au lieu de s’intéresser à la population qu’ils sont censés servir. Terrible erreur lorsqu’il s’agit de mettre en place un réseau social d’entreprise où tout repose sur la contribution volontaire. L’adoption, l’usage, l’identification de l’individu à l’outil y sont des facteurs de réussite essentiels. Le mythe de la solution universelle Ces cahiers des charges sont souvent truffés de présupposés sur les fonctionnalités. Autre erreur récurrente, le mythe du couteau suisse. Identifier les difficultés des utilisateurs Alors, par où commencer ?

Mode pilote et scénarios d’usage Fabienne Vandekerkove. Roger's Online Equation Editor. Back to Roger's Main Page Roger's Online Equation Editor This page produces high quality typeset images of equations from LaTeX equations.

Roger's Online Equation Editor

These images can be used on web pages or in other documents. This page is a PHP implementation of the tex2im bash script created by Andreas Reigber. If you have questions or problems with this page please email me. The "transparent background" option is particularly useful for the web. You do NOT need to include either the $... $ tags (for math environment) or \begin{equation} ... Note about the "|" character: To use the "|" character in an equation, use the command "\vbar", otherwise using mutiple instances of "|" can cause a server error. Link to Image Clear Entry Writing Equations in LaTeX Note: Using "transparent background" and "anti-alias" at the same time can produce poor quality image edges.


Forex Trading Online: Foreign Exchange (FX) Currency Trading Made Fun. Comparatif. Automated human translate API. Newmanity. Social Responsibility: It's Not Just for Brands Anymore. John C.

Social Responsibility: It's Not Just for Brands Anymore

Havens is the founder of The H(app)athon Project and author of the upcoming book H(app)y -- The Value of Well Being in a Digital Economy (Tarcher/Penguin, 2014). He can be reached @johnchavens. It’s 2015 and you’re trying to get into an exclusive Soho club. You fidget while the bouncer holds his smartphone to your face. From behind the red velvet rope, he takes a step back, his face morphing into a mask of disgust.

“You haven’t done jack for anyone else in over a week?” Your face burns with embarrassment as everyone calculates the accountability based influence (ABI) score branded on your forehead like a virtual scarlet letter. What if your action-based reputation preceded you digitally? At what point will this lens of morality be turned on individuals, where a variation of CSR is more personal? The good news is that CSR is evolving as brands incorporate social good into their everyday business activities. Shared Value – Corporate Social Responsibility Permeates the Enterprise.

9 Sites That Measure Companies' Social Responsibility. The Commerce With a Conscience Series is supported by Fedex.

9 Sites That Measure Companies' Social Responsibility

FedEx does more than shipping. They offer solutions like transporting heart valves to those in need and helping entrepreneurs bring their ideas to life. See how. Applications that measure the corporate social responsibility, or CSR, of a company take many forms. Some websites crowdsource opinions and facts on companies, while other sites use their own set of metrics to gauge social good. Sweatshop. Wydif. The DoNation: sponsorship that replaces cash with action. Artisans du Changement.