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IDE - Ruby and Rails features. Ruby Projects The Ruby project type supports Ruby files, RSpec specification files, and YAML files. Use the Ruby Platform manager to choose between executing projects using JRuby, or any other native Ruby interpreter on your system. The IDE has Rake build tool integration and gives you access to the Interactive Ruby Shell (IRB). Refactoring and support for Test::Unit, Auto Test, Shoulda tests, and RSpec are well integrated. You can also track hints and errors in the task list. Ruby on Rails Projects The Ruby on Rails project type supports Rake targets and database migrations. Edit ERB files and deploy projects directly to the WEBrick and Mongrel web servers. Ruby and Rails Debugger Single-step or run through Ruby code and ERB files. Productive Ruby on Rails Application Development Live Demo. Ruby / Rails IDE Comparison : Idea, Netbeans, RadRails « The Nam. Welcome early-early adopters! Ruby and Rails are getting more and more popular in the community and well known editors start to get into the business for our pleasure!

While my editor of choice for Java has always been Idea (since v2.6 about 6 years ago) as I always found their product avantgardist and really userfriendly and codingfriendly, I wanted to see what was going on in the Rails / Ruby world where I was historically using RadRails and SciTe because of the lack of serious competitors. The simple editors like vim (for the nostaligcs) or SciTE are likely to fit your needs for short and simple scripts but a full IDE is always better to have when you are working on a more important project. The Ruby language itself eliminated a lot of features you would need from an IDE in other languages like Java (For example I am thinking about the Generating Getters / Setters from fields that you get directly with the attr accessors or some long live template public static final String …). .

RIDE-ME: Yet another Ruby on Rails IDE for Windows - Download Sq. An IDE For Ruby On Rails. I've previously griped about the lack of a good IDE for Ruby on Rails and despite trying out TextMate for a month I just wasn't happy enough with it – I'm still spending far too much time navigating files and not enough time coding. There's a lot of talk about just using VIM and being happy with that ( example ) but that VIM just doesn't have a good enough interface for selecting which file to edit and navigating the file system, let alone for quickly scanning files to find the section I want.

Fortunately, this evening I went out Googling for a better solution and found Ruby Development Tools – a set of Ruby plugins for Eclipse. It's still very much beta software but is quite usable as is and hopefully more of the Eclipse feature set will make it in soon. Plasmacode. E - TextEditor | The power of TextMate on Windows. Download Aptana Studio with RadRails Development Plugin. Free, open source IDE for Ruby and Rails applications RadRails is now included as part of Aptana Studio 3. No extra download required--now integrated into a single editor.

Core Capabilities Code Assist Quick access to Ruby, HTML, CSS and JavaScript structures, methods, elements, properties, tags & attributes. Helpful information about the element also shown. Code Assist Integrated Debugger Set breakpoints, inspect variables, control execution. Integrated Debugger Outlining View and navigate the structures in your file using this hierarchical outline of your Ruby or HTML page.

Outlining. RubyStack. InstantRailsWiki: Instant Rails.