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Music. Welcome. 2007 Nobel Prize in Physics. The 2007 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded for the discovery of a revolutionary quantum mechanical effect that is used to store and retrieve data on hard disk drives in a way not possible before. The prize will be divided equally by Professor Albert Fert from the Paris-Sud University in Orsay France, Professor Peter Grünberg, from the Institute of Solid State Research in Jülich Germany. The two scientists independently and simultaneously discovered a new physical effect called “Giant Magnetoresistance” (GMR), leading to the radical miniaturizing of hard drives in recent years. Data is stored on a hard drives in the form of microscopic ferromagnetic particles which are magnetized in one of two different directions, each corresponds to the binary value 1 or 0.

A read-write head scans the disk and registers the magnetic changes according to the current state of the drive. One of the main challenges in this structuring is the density-accuracy tradeoff. ZEITGEIST 2: ADDENDUM (FULL MOVIE!) - PLEASE SHARE. ZEITGEIST: MOVING FORWARD | OFFICIAL RELEASE | 2011. San Diego State University Department of Astronomy. Science & Nature. Warrior Poet. Weird and Wacky Furniture By Straight Line Designs. EmailEmail Straight Line Designs is a one-of-a-kind workshop that has been operating out of Vancouver, British Columbia for the past 25 years. In addition to installations, sculptures and private commissions, designer Judson Beaumont and his staff of eight full-time craftspeople have designed and constructed a variety of wacky cartoon-style furniture and projects for public institutions and children’s exhibitions throughout North America and abroad.

Focused on quality and custom design, Judson’s studio stays far away from mass production and is as imaginative as children themselves. Website: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.Daddy Long Legs. Chi Gevara. Chi Gevara. Music. Nanotechnology and Nanoscience | Nanowerk. Free Online Course Materials | MIT OpenCourseWare. University scientists study superconductors. The fastest trains in the world don’t drive. They fly. Japan’s Maglev Shinkansen trains, which have achieved record speeds of up to 361 miles per hour, literally float above their tracks, thanks to powerful superconductors, which scientists believe may also one day be used to revolutionize power transmission and electric car motors. In the two decades since high-temperature superconductivity was discovered, however, scientists have failed to understand the phenomenon thoroughly enough to fully harness its tremendous potential.

A research group led by University physicists has now found that this failure may be due to a pervasive misconception in the scientific world about the very nature of high-temperature superconductivity. Superconducting materials conduct electricity without dissipating energy at either very high or very low temperatures. The crucial feature of superconductors is that their electrons are bound together in pairs in spite of natural repulsion. Anyta...1. Anytanagaryan. TOM JONES - Delilah (1968) What's Love Got To Do With It (Black & White Version) At the Heart of Hartley-2, a New Breed of Comet? At the Heart of Hartley-2, a New Breed of Comet? At the heart of every comet lies a remnant of the dawn of the solar system.

Or is that remnants? Astronomers don't know, but the answer would give them a clearer picture of exactly how comets were born eons ago at the birth of the Solar System. Did thin tendrils of dust and ice get drawn slowly inward and pack themselves into a single, uniform mass? Or did a hodge-podge of mini-comets come together to form the core for a comet of substance? For Hartley-2, the answer so far is neither. Both data collected by Mumma's team and detailed images of the comet taken by NASA's EPOXI mission reveal that the comet's core is not uniform. The researchers observed Hartley-2 six times during the summer, fall and winter of 2010, both before and after the EPOXI mission's Deep Impact spacecraft had its November rendezvous with the comet. Ices in Hartley-2 are mostly made of water, along with traces of many other types of molecules, the team learned. Museum. Jesicakriss. TOM JONES - Delilah (1968) Music. Heads Will Roll - Yeah Yeah Yeah [Project X Soundtrack]

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Advertisement 100 Creative Furniture: Reloaded We have already presented to your attention a collection of 100 Creative Furniture. Tom Jones & Paul Anka - She's A Lady / My Way. Maria The Jackson Five. Canon rock acoustic version. Stumbled Upon. Divers. Almina. LiveShare makes group photo sharing easy on iPhone, Android, Windows Phone 7, and the Web. With the free mobile app, you and your friends can now take photos at parties and other experiences and easily share them live all in one place. Create a group photo stream for a party or any occasion. Invite friends to share photos into your group photo stream. Then watch everyone's photos flow in live.

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