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L. History of the Gay Movement in Lebanon - till 2005. عفواً كاريتاس : Sawt Al Niswa صوت النسوة. تفشت في شوارع بيروت هذا الشهر إعلانات لحملة كاريتاس لحماية حقوق العامل الأجنبي في لبنان. تنوعت شعاراتها بين “عامليها منيح، بتعاملك من كل قلبها” و “الإنسان إنسان لو مين ما كان.” تغيظني وبشدة هذه الحملات الفارغة وأراها تهين العاملات بالعنصرية ذاتها التي تُعامَلن بها في المنازل. لماذا نطلب بكل هذا التهذيب والطفولية من اللبنانيين أن يحسنوا معاملة العاملات كأنه عمل خيري؟ كأنه يتوجب علينا تبرير المطلب؟ عيب. أقترح على كاريتاس (بما أنني لا أملك تمويل أوروبي لأنشر مئات الإعلانات في شوارع بيروت) إستعمال التصميم التالي بديلاً. ad busting , billboards , caritas , domestic migrant workers , Featured , lebanon , migrant rights , Migrant workers , racism : Featured , عاملات اجنبيات Migrant workers. Glory of Tabbulah and Hummus.

Syrian Refugees Languish in Turkey - Slide Show. Illuminati trailer 2012. ‫ leaked how to deal with the wounded prisoners of hospitals ‬ Tanks come under attack in Homs. شهداء ثورة سورية وصلت أعدادهم إلى 10 آلاف.. والمعتقلون 50 ألفا.. والمفقودون 20 ألفا. Israel: Where love has no boundaries. Boy prostitution in Tripoli.

The poorest neighborhoods of Tripoli have become famous for all the wrong reasons. Car bombs and sectarian violence have scarred the area. For Tripoli’s young people, one consequence of the poverty and danger is life in a religious, repressive environment which allows child prostitution to flourish. Among drug and alcohol abuse, with many members of the community in prison, boys are growing up on the streets and being preyed on by men who head sex rings. NOW Lebanon met one of these street boys and heard an extraordinary story where teenage pursuits like Emo music and friends are mixed too much, too young with knives, sex and money.

The boy’s story is a sad one. His father died, and his mother raised him and his four brothers on her own in Khan al-Aaskar, a poverty-stricken quarter in the Tripoli neighborhood of al-Zahiriyah. “It’s like a stable, a place where over 30 families live in appalling, nasty conditions.” “It is the hardliners.” The one school they did go to was the girls’ school. News, video's on Syria. On the Hypocrisy of Gay Activism. Loading ... 476 views There has been an uproar recently about an incident that took place in Kayan, a popular bar in the Gemayze district of Beirut in which a group of around eight gay men were allegedly refused service for no apparent reason other than their sexual orientation. People are rightly outraged at this treatment, and have called for a boycott of the bar in response. If the story about Kayan’s homophobia is true, then I certainly support taking action to pressure them into thinking twice before refusing service to anyone for such a frivolous reason.

But since this whole incident began, something about it sat uncomfortably with me. For months, I have heard people justify the behavior of gay bars that discriminate against trans customers – from flimsy excuses of not dividing the community to calls to understand that these bars are already under attack for being identified as gay hangouts and so we should cut them some slack. This isn’t only about sexuality. Bahrain 20111104 Manama Protester runned over by a police car. Trek Liban - randonnée Liban - Agence Visages. Syria - Kids Hide as Assad Tanks attack Homs Deir Balbae -9-29-11 - Dictator must Hang!