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Genetically modified tobacco produces cheap, effective rabies treatment. A team of molecular immunology researchers has genetically modified tobacco plants to produce highly effective rabies antibodies.

Genetically modified tobacco produces cheap, effective rabies treatment

"The reason that most of us in the field are working with plants, is that we all believe that there are huge cost advantages to manufacturing in plants, and that the technology involved is readily transferable to developing countries," Julian Ma, chair of the Hotung Molecular Immunology Unit at St George's, University of London, which trialled the technique, told "We believe that production 'in the region, for the region' is an important concept for pharmaceuticals for the future. " According to the World Health Organisation more than 55,000 people die after contracting rabies every year. Most of these deaths occurred in Asia and Africa, in areas where swift access to post-exposure vaccines is limited due to the high cost of manufacturer. Molecular Visualizations DNA. DNA may be the world’s most powerful computer chip, says Dr.

Molecular Visualizations DNA

Martin Hilbert of the University of Southern California. This rockin’ DNA animation would appear to support his claim. DNA – the famous double-helix, the instruction booklet for our cells – is chock-full of information. More information than all the world’s devices store. That’s according to scientist Martin Hilbert of the University of Southern California. Your DNA is basically information storage, correct? The amount we humans can store in our technological devices, by the way, is 295 exabytes worth of information (that’s a number with 20 zeroes). There is hope. The video, which uses cutting-edge animation techniques to get the job done, shows DNA undergoing coiling, replication, transcription and translation. It’s incredible to think that this stuff is happening inside our bodies, every nanosecond of every day. The Biological Chip in our Cells. By Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf Light is in principle the oldest and most important food of the world, and still in addition - understood as electromagnetic wave - a perfect storage medium.

The Biological Chip in our Cells

We know today that life in the universe is a process which is always swiming against the river. Physics predicts that everything in nature is going towards a condition of a thermal equilibrium. With every energy consuming process always also warmth is produced, which cannot be completely reconverted into work energy. This is well-known to each power station operator. The universe favours disorder and decay rather than order and structure. In such an environment an organism can temporarily exist only because it constantly supplies new order structures to its body using energy , briefly said: by taking up food regularly. For this the plants found the simplest and most direct way. Light nevertheless plays a crucial role for animal and human life too. Not so with superconductors.


Dr. Pjotr GARAJAJEV & Vladimir POPONIN. Scientists Prove DNA Can Be Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies. By Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf THE HUMAN DNA IS A BIOLOGICAL INTERNET and superior in many aspects to the artificial one. Russian scientific research directly or indirectly explains phenomena such as clairvoyance, intuition, spontaneous and remote acts of healing, self healing, affirmation techniques, unusual light/auras around people (namely spiritual masters), mind’s influence on weather patterns and much more. In addition, there is evidence for a whole new type of medicine in which DNA can be influenced and reprogrammed by words and frequencies WITHOUT cutting out and replacing single genes. Does DNA Emit Light? Dan Eden for An incredible story!

Does DNA Emit Light?

I get lots of suggestions for stories, and I really appreciate them. But some of them are too good to be true. An example of this was a story of a giant human skeleton -- maybe 40 feet tall -- that was discovered by a Russian archaeological team. The story had photos and links accompanying it and looked promising. I had this same experience this week when I was sent an article where a Russian (again) scientist, Pjotr Garjajev, had managed to intercept communication from a DNA molecule in the form of ultraviolet photons -- light! But this was just the beginning. Dr. I tried to find a scientific journal that had this experiment.