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Must-Have Nutrient Rich Foods During Pregnancy - Onsurity’s Newsletter. Folic Acid Rich Foods During Pregnancy Folic Acid is also called Vitamin B9.

Must-Have Nutrient Rich Foods During Pregnancy - Onsurity’s Newsletter

It plays a vital role in the formation of red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout the body. Amazing Employee Benefits To Attract Top Talent In 2021 - Onsurity’s Newsletter. Flexible Work Policies Are A Must Have Even if you do plan to return to office, the need for social distancing will mean some employees will have to work remotely.

Amazing Employee Benefits To Attract Top Talent In 2021 - Onsurity’s Newsletter

Offer a flexible work policy, giving employees the option to work from both home and the office. If jobs can be done remotely, give employees an option to do so. RGF International Recruitment’s Talent in Asia 2020 report found that 61% of employers plan to continue flexible work arrangements even after COVID-19. If so many people are opting for it, you don’t want to be left behind! Growing Startup’s need a better healthcare plan for 2021! - Onsurity’s Newsletter. Health plans are not standardized but vary by company and type of services offered.

Growing Startup’s need a better healthcare plan for 2021! - Onsurity’s Newsletter

A broker or consultant can help with the design and coverage that is common in your region and industry. The type of coverage, what’s covered, and at what level it’s covered vary considerably by industry and region. For example, High tech companies tend to offer richer health plan coverage than any other industry. The Most important thing that make employee loyal to company? - Onsurity’s Newsletter. Each of these things is a small cog in a much larger wheel.

The Most important thing that make employee loyal to company? - Onsurity’s Newsletter

Here are some useful tips: Ensure Two-Way Communication One-way communication focuses on telling employees what needs to be done. Two-way communication means building a relationship by listening to their needs, as well as giving them feedback. That way, you build an engaged workforce who knows that they are being valued. The main issues that HR faces when it comes to managing employee healthcare benefits? - Onsurity’s Newsletter. 1.

The main issues that HR faces when it comes to managing employee healthcare benefits? - Onsurity’s Newsletter

Mental Health and Wellbeing The sudden shift in work culture took a toll on overall employee health and wellbeing. Stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues have always been there, and it is no new story. Organizations have always been initiating wellness programs and providing employees with security, health benefits, and flexibility to help them overcome their health issues. But the sudden COVID-19 outbreak has brought the employees’ mental problems in the front seat. [Funding alert] Healthcare platform Onsurity raises capital from investors, including Kunal Shah from CRED... - Priyanka’s Newsletter.

Simple Tips To Help Employees Manage PTO Leave - Priyanka’s Newsletter. If you work in a startup or SME, you will know.

Simple Tips To Help Employees Manage PTO Leave - Priyanka’s Newsletter

Even if you do take an off, it is difficult to manage PTO leave as you are often expected to be connected and responding to calls and emails. Unplugging from work is not easy, and that has consequences. Whether you are an employer or an employee, we’ve got some tips for you that can help you manage PTO leave. Tech30 Startup By YourStory At Techsparks 2020 - Priyanka’s Newsletter. With the breakout of the pandemic, satisfactory and reasonable medical services have become a need in India.

Tech30 Startup By YourStory At Techsparks 2020 - Priyanka’s Newsletter

It influenced all organizations around the globe, yet like some other business, the main objective of Onsurity was to gain from the encounters, push quick and push forward. In the previous few months, the medical care market has seen huge development with the expanding interest in online health care services. They were the first to tap into that need in the market, especially for small and medium businesses along with growing startups.

Here’s How You Can Promote And Improve Employee Healthcare By Turning To Technology - Priyanka’s Newsletter. In the past, employee healthcare benefits would have been limited to insurance.

Here’s How You Can Promote And Improve Employee Healthcare By Turning To Technology - Priyanka’s Newsletter

Now however, there’s plenty more it can cover. Sadly though, there’s not much awareness around the digitization of employee healthcare. Not many businesses, especially SMEs and start-ups are aware of how technology has transformed healthcare. Diet During COVID-19: Here is all You Need to Know. Taking care of diet in general or while suffering from COVID-19 can be very helpful.

Diet During COVID-19: Here is all You Need to Know

With a rapid spread of this virus, we all have realized an importance of having a good health. The better your immune system is, the lesser chances you have suffering from any disease or at least being able to get it cured safely, and the first step towards a good health is not any medicine, not any magical pill or any prescription. It is our nutrition. Eating the right kind and amount of foods is very crucial for our health. Though a healthy diet, cannot directly cure COVID-19 but can definitely help build a better immunity to fight against many diseases or prevent one from facing severe condition, in most of the cases. Important Leadership Qualities of Entrepreneurs. Promoting Leadership Qualities for Entrepreneurs is one of the most helpful ways to bring success in any business.

Important Leadership Qualities of Entrepreneurs

A survey by LocalCircles found that 25% of respondents were forced to close their business and lay off their entire team due to COVID-19. That’s not a great sign for budding entrepreneurs. Nutrients to Eat During Pregnancy|Safeena|note. Folic Acid Rich Foods During Pregnancy Folic Acid is additionally called Vitamin B9. It assumes an essential part in the development of red platelets, which convey oxygen all through the body.

It is additionally fundamental in pregnancy because of its job in the advancement of the embryo cerebrum and spinal rope. Iron Rich Foods During Pregnancy Iron is perhaps the most fundamental supplements for the body. Top 6 Nutrients to Eat During Pregnancy. Foods during pregnancy should be focused on for better health of the mother and baby. Eating right is a must at any point in your life, but more so during the period of maternity because you are eating for two. Contrary to popular belief that you need to eat more when pregnant, gynecologists always suggest eating light and eating healthy. Not only do you need to eat well for yourself (nobody wants to stay hangry!)

You also need to make sure your baby gets the right nutrients and taking supplements is always a good way of ensuring this. Poor Employee Health Can Have Bad Impact on Your Business!|Safeena|note. As a startup proprietor, we are certain you have define objectives for yourself this year. From extending in new topographies to developing benefits, you may have a rundown of priorit ies you need to accomplish. and beneficial. On the off chance that you need that, you'll need to put employee medical care high on that rundown of needs. Effects of Poor Employee Healthcare.

Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation. Poor Employee Health Can Have Significant Impact on Your Business. How to Fix? As an MSME or startup owner, we are sure you have set goals for yourself this year. From expanding in new geographies to growing profits, you might have a list of priorities you want to achieve. To do that, you will need employees who are hardworking and productive. If you want that, you’ll need to put employee healthcare high on that list of priorities.

Employee healthcare is a very important aspect for all businesses to consider. Whether you have five employees or 50, you’ll need to ensure that they are all healthy, fit, happy and engaged. Top 6 Nutrients & their Source of Foods During Pregnancy. Employee Benefits of 2021 to make a successful Startup. Attracting employees to work in your company is not easy, especially if you are a small business or startup.

Without the large paychecks offered by MNCs, many employees might find it hard to want to work for a smaller business. Luckily, there is a way to change that – employee benefits. 5 Best and Safe Pregnancy Exercises for Women. Pre and Post Hospitalization Expenses: The Right Approach. How to ensure a Safe Return to Workplace for your Employees? 5 Ways to track your Fitness Progress apart from Weight. E-Pharma Market in India: Everything You Need to Know. Why is Job Hopping Bad for Businesses & Employees? 8 Popular Health Insurance Myths Debunked.

Health Insurance Claims made Easy with Onsurity. Manage PTO Leave: 5 Simple Tips You Need to Follow. Leadership and Emotional Intelligence: 7 Reasons Why. Culture of Open Communications in the Workplace: 4 Ways. Prepare for a Post-COVID Job Market: 4 Tips for Employees. How to Setup a Home Gym: 4 Easy Tips. Employee Appreciation vs Compensation: What's the difference? The Importance of Human Experience Management. World Health Day 2021: Build a Home Exercise Routine. 5 Ways to Remote Onboarding: Welcome Your New Employees. Employee Morale: 5 Effective Ways to Boost. Employees Feeling Overworked? Here is the Solution. Accountable Care Organizations (ACO) How to Detect Pregnancy: 3 Different Ways. Digital Payments in Small Business: 7 Advantages. Gestational Diabetes: All You Need to Know About. Leadership Qualities for Entrepreneurs: 6 Point Guide. Affordable employee wellness and healthcare benefits for startups and MSMEs. Affordable Healthcare Costs from Onsurity to Save Big.