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Potato Roses. Flowers might be the romantic gift cliché, but we all know the truth: the best gift is one you can eat! If you’re the type who would much rather have French fries than roses, you’re going to LOVE this way to have the best of both worlds. Remember the apple roses? Now we’re trying it with potatoes— and bacon’s coming along to help. Watch, learn, and add it to the menu of your next romantic dinner.

You’ll BOTH fall head over heels for this dish. Error loading player: No playable sources found Follow us on Pinterest >> Tip Hero POTATO ROSESMakes 6 potato rosesPrep Time: 15 minutesTotal Time: 45 minutes to 1 hour You’ll Need–6 medium Yukon Gold potatoes–½ cup butter, melted–1-½ teaspoons Italian seasoning–1-½ teaspoons garlic powder–½ teaspoon Kosher salt–½ teaspoon black pepper–6 slices bacon How To Easier than you probably imagined, right? Recipe adapted from Vegelicacy. Crispy potato roses - a truly gorgeous side-dish - Family-Friends-Food. These have to be among the most beautiful things I’ve ever made, and I’m 100% sure they’re the most beautiful thing I’ve created using potatoes.

They were almost too gorgeous to eat. Great edible blossoms adorning the plate. Even Kipper thought they looked, “Soooo pretty, Mummy!” They are based on apple roses (which are all over Pinterest if you want to find them) only made of potato (obviously). I found a ‘how to’ Pin on Pinterest for these, but when I clicked through, I found a recipe for something else. Eh? Did I mention they’re beautiful. Anyway, I figured out how to make the ‘rose’ part, and I also added a stabilising base to the flowers, as I wasn’t convinced that the ‘petals’ wouldn’t all fall apart otherwise. Aren’t they gorgeous though? They are a bit fiddly to make, but nothing too terrible.

I used red skinned potatoes, which looked lovely when the potato roses were raw, but I’m not sure you could tell the difference once they were cooked. Potato roses Yields 10 116 calories 17 g. No Fail Bacon and Potato Rose: 8 Steps (with Pictures) Crispy Potato Flower Recipe. The preparation of this visually striking potato dish is fairly easy if you own a mandoline. Very-thinly-sliced potatoes are parboiled, then brushed with a butter and oil mixture. The slices are then stacked in individual ramekins to mimic flower petals.

It’s an elegant and innovative way to have potatoes as a part of your Thanksgiving table. With my first cookbook on shelves very soon (it's due out on December 18th), I'm going to be posting a lot of potato dishes that didn't make into to the book. Ingredients Yields: 8 servings 8 Yukon Gold potatoes3 tablespoons salted butter, softened to room temperature3 tablespoons olive oil2 teaspoons salt1 teaspoon white pepper, freshly ground Directions Brush 8 ramekins with olive oil and line the bottom with a round of parchment paper. Prepping the potatoes: Peel the potatoes. Par-boiling the potatoes (see tips): Immediately place the thin potato slices in a large pot. Preheat oven to 400°F. Serve warm with steak or roasted chicken. Bon appétit! Tips. Houmous de betterave, pain plat au pesto d’herbes.

Aujourd’hui, soyons fous et déclinons le houmous de différentes façons ! Après ma version à l’oignon caramélisé (recette ici), j’ai voulu tenté un houmous à base de betterave. L’ajout de cette dernière permet d’alléger la recette qui reste assez lourde par sa composition. Pour accompagner ce houmous, j’ai réalisé des petits pains au pesto d’herbes, tout simplement.

Houmous de betterave, pain plat au pesto d’herbes Auteur: Miss Bretzel Nombre de couverts: 6 Ingrédients Pour le pain plat au pesto d’herbes : Source : Miamm… Maman cuisine - Pour le pesto d’herbes : 1 bouquet de coriandre (ou de persil plat) 2 oignons nouveaux 30 g de noisettes 1 gousse d’ail Huile d’olive - Pour la pâte à pain : 300 g de farine 10 g de levure fraiche de boulanger 80 g de parmesan 80 g de comté 3 g de sel Quelques feuilles de menthe Pour le houmous de betterave rouge : Source : Ready, steady… Cook ! Instructions - Pour le pesto aux herbes : Eplucher l’ail et les oignons. . - Pour le pain plat au pesto d’herbes : Miss Bretzel. Houmous de petits pois, crackers suédois fait maison. Et oui, je vous propose « encore » une recette d’apéritif. Mais que vous voulez, la saison si prête tellement bien que je ne résiste pas !

Aujourd’hui, il s’agit d’un houmous revisité où les traditionnels pois chiches sont remplacés par des petits pois et la purée de sésame « tahin » par de la purée d’amandes blanches. Pour changer du pain plat qui accompagne en général ce genre de mets, j’ai opté pour des crackers suédois maison ! Inspiration : Cuisine Campagne et Petit Larousse Cuisinier Houmous de petits pois, crackers suédois fait maison Auteur: Miss Bretzel Nombre de couverts: 6 Ingrédients Pour l’Houmous (un grand bol) : 500 g de petits frais (sans les cosses) ou surgelés 3 cuillères à soupe d’huile d’olive 3 cuillères à soupe de purée d’amandes 2 gousses d’ail Le jus d’un demi-citron Quelques branches de menthe Sel, poivre Pour les crackers suédois : Instructions Pour l’houmous : Faire cuire les petits pois environ 10 min dans de l’eau bouillante.

Miss Bretzel. Nourrir la planète, des insectes dans nos assiettes. « NOURRIR LA PLANÈTE » / février 2015 « Un avant-goût de demain » Tel un livre de recettes édité en 2050, ces photographies imaginent l’adoption des insectes comme aliment savoureux de la gastronomie française et cherchent à interroger nos habitudes alimentaires. Nos assiettes et habitudes alimentaires évoluent au fil du temps et changent en fonction des régions du monde. La nourriture a une dimension culturelle et symbolique très forte, et les traditions culinaires sont souvent ancrées profondément dans les inconscients collectifs. Alors que l’Asie entière se nourrie naturellement et avec délice d’insectes multiples et variés, les consommateurs français, très attachés à leur patrimoine gastronomique et très conservateurs sur ce point, sont encore loin d’imaginer des insectes dans leurs assiettes.

On peut se demander pourquoi un escargot ou une huître, considérés comme des aliments raffinés seraient plus repoussant qu’une sauterelle ou un grillon ? Rubis cube acidulé - Blanc coco. Ingrédients pour la cuisine moléculaire : les ingrédients utiles. Sauce piquante à base de piment, sauce barbecue et tabasco. Poulet en croûte de sel - Y a pas que les frites dans la vie. Bonne et heureuse année à tous! Bonheur, prospérité mais surtout la santé! Ah… « santé », un mot que vous avez certainement dû répéter à plusieurs reprises en trinquant pendant les fêtes, n’est-ce pas ? Souvenez-vous aussi de tous ces petits toasts au foie gras, ces appétissantes bouchées de terrine ou cette énième part de bûche à la crème au beurre, que vous avez du escalader pour parvenir au sommet du Mont Evergraisse.

Et aujourd’hui vous essayez vainement de balayer toute cette avalanche de calories à coups de smoothie détox, je sais. Mais arrêtez donc de vous torturer, la vie est trop courte ! Partager Poulet en croute de sel Auteur: Piment Oiseau Temps de préparation: Temps de cuisson: Temps total: Pour 4 personnes Ingredients -1 poulet fermier de 1,2 kg -2 kg de gros sel -2 blancs d'oeufs -poivre du moulin -1 cuillère à soupe de persil haché -1 cuillère à soupe de ciboulette hachée -2 échalotes -4 gousses d'ail -1 citron Instructions Préchauffer le four à 200°C. Rachael's Superheated Cajun Boiled Peanuts Recipe. Arnaud's French 75 (Cognac, Champagne, Lemon Cocktail) Recipe. <img typeof="foaf:Image" alt="" data-smsrc="<a pearltreesdevid="PTD455" rel="nofollow" href=" class="vglnk"><span pearltreesdevid="PTD456">http</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD458">://</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD460">www</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD462">.

</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD464">saveur</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD466">. </span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD468">com</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD470">/</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD472">sites</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD474">/</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD476">saveur</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD478">. <img typeof="foaf:Image" alt="" data-smsrc="<a pearltreesdevid="PTD1583" rel="nofollow" href=" Arnaud's French 75 Ingredients. Oysters Rockefeller Recipe. Brigtsen's Oysters LeRuth Recipe. Garlicky Skillet Greens with Ham. <img typeof="foaf:Image" alt="Garlicky Skillet Greens with Ham" data-smsrc="<a pearltreesdevid="PTD455" rel="nofollow" href=" class="vglnk"><span pearltreesdevid="PTD456">http</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD458">://</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD460">www</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD462">.

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Garlic confit, a silky, spreadable condiment, relies on a French technique for gently poaching peeled whole cloves in oil or fat. The process caramelizes the cloves and draws out their sweetness, yielding a sumptuous spread. None. Louisiana Gumbo Recipes. Whether thickened by a tomato-and-okra base or a rich and nutty dark roux, gumbo is one of Louisiana's most beloved dishes—and one of the world's most versatile comfort foods. Once you've got the trinity of celery, bell peppers, and onions, all sorts of ingredients can be added. From classic smoked turkey and andouille gumbo to a refined foie gras version, we've rounded up our favorite gumbo recipes.

Take a minute to go over our quick gumbo tips, then get cooking. Smoky andouille sausage is a gumbo standby. We use it in a lot of our gumbos, including versions with smoked turkey and shredded chicken. It complements smoked duck in a rich gumbo from Prejean's restaurant in Lafayette, Louisiana and is part of our rustic, spicy fried chicken gumbo. You can make gumbo with whatever meat you have on hand. Many gumbos are thickened with a flour-based roux, but in Creole country another thickener is more popular: okra.

Gumbo is simple comfort food, but we have some delicious fancy variations. LeRuth's Red Shrimp Rémoulade Recipe. <img typeof="foaf:Image" alt="LeRuth&amp;#039;s Red Shrimp Rémoulade" data-smsrc="<a pearltreesdevid="PTD455" rel="nofollow" href=" class="vglnk"><span pearltreesdevid="PTD456">http</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD458">://</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD460">www</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD462">. </span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD464">saveur</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD466">. </span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD468">com</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD470">/</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD472">sites</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD474">/</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD476">saveur</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD478">.

Spicy paprika and whole-grain mustard sauce coats plump shrimp in this classic New Orleans red rémoulade from the late chef Warren Leruth. LeRuth's Red Shrimp Rémoulade serves 2-4 Ingredients 3⁄4 cup Creole mustard None. Commander's Palace Shrimp & Tasso Henican Recipe. <img typeof="foaf:Image" alt="Commander&amp;#039;s Palace Shrimp &amp;amp; Tasso Henican" data-smsrc="<a pearltreesdevid="PTD455" rel="nofollow" href=" class="vglnk"><span pearltreesdevid="PTD456">http</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD458">://</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD460">www</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD462">.

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Red pepper jelly and pickled okra and onions add piquancy to this dish. This recipe first appeared in our April 2013 special feature on New Orleans. Commander's Palace Shrimp & Tasso Henican serves 6. Mr. B's Barbecued Shrimp Recipe. Fried Oysters with Spicy Rémoulade Recipe. <img typeof="foaf:Image" alt="Fried Oysters with Spicy Rémoulade" data-smsrc="<a pearltreesdevid="PTD455" rel="nofollow" href=" class="vglnk"><span pearltreesdevid="PTD456">http</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD458">://</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD460">www</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD462">.

</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD464">saveur</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD466">. </span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD468">com</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD470">/</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD472">sites</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD474">/</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD476">saveur</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD478">. Chef Frank Stitt of Highlands Bar and Grill in Birmingham, Alabama, uses the bottom oyster shells as serving platters for these crispy fried oysters with piquant sauce. Fried Oysters with Spicy Rémoulade serves 4 Ingredients. Oreilles de Cochon (Pigs' Ears) Recipe. <img typeof="foaf:Image" alt="" data-smsrc="<a pearltreesdevid="PTD455" rel="nofollow" href=" class="vglnk"><span pearltreesdevid="PTD456">http</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD458">://</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD460">www</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD462">.

</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD464">saveur</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD466">. </span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD468">com</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD470">/</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD472">sites</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD474">/</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD476">saveur</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD478">. <img typeof="foaf:Image" alt="" data-smsrc="<a pearltreesdevid="PTD1501" rel="nofollow" href=" Oreilles de Cochon (Pigs' Ears) makes 12 PASTRIES Ingredients None. Citrus-Marinated Shrimp with Louis Sauce Recipe | MyRecipes. New Orleans Barbecue Shrimp Recipe | MyRecipes. Chicken-Andouille Gumbo with Roasted Potatoes Recipe | MyRecipes.

1. Cook sausage in a large skillet over medium heat, stirring often, 7 minutes or until browned. Remove sausage; drain and pat dry with paper towels. 2. Heat oil in a stainless-steel Dutch oven over medium heat; gradually whisk in flour, and cook, whisking constantly, 18 to 20 minutes or until flour is caramel-colored. 3. 4. Chicken-and-Shrimp Gumbo: Prepare recipe as directed through Step 3. Mark Boudreaux’s Cajun Jambalaya. Rachael's Superheated Cajun Boiled Peanuts Recipe. Crispy Fried Fish Recipe. Stuffed Jalapeno Firecrackers Recipe. Spicy Lime Grilled Shrimp Recipe. Jambalaya Recipe. Authentic Louisiana Red Beans and Rice Recipe. Psychedelic Lollipops Recipe. 20 Psychedelic Rainbow Desserts You Can Make On Your Own. Hot and Saucy Cocktail Meatballs recipe from Betty Crocker. Champagne Punch III Recipe. 17 Upsetting Recipes From The '70s That Will Kill Your Appetite. Hippie Fried Chicken Recipes. Ricotta Gnocchi with Kale & Walnut Pesto.

Vidéo cuisine - Recettes de cuisine en video et techniques culinaires - apprendre à mieux cuisiner. Poulet mariné aux oignons et rôti pour 6 personnes - Recettes Elle à Table. Rose Water Meringue Kisses with Chocolate at Cooking Melangery. Gingerbread Meringues - Lara Ferroni Photography. Gastronomie Moléculaire. Slow-Cooked Onions With Cider & Cheese - Easy Recipes. Pork In Milk Recipe Ideas. Chicken with Walnut Pesto - Xanthe Clay Recipes. Poulet Au Vinaigre - Easy French Recipes. Pumpkin Parmesan Pasta Recipe. One Pot Chicken Enchilada Rice Casserole. Half Baked Harvest - Made with Love. Fennel & lemon risotto. The Science Behind This Mesmerizing Color-Changing Tea. Bluechai Organic Tea Shop. FabLabs for food? This is the future! - Maker Faire Rome. Food Ink.