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Welcome - Pentadactyl. Project Gutenberg - free ebooks - Pentadactyl. DP: Welcome - Pentadactyl. Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) The Trustees of Distributed Proofreaders Foundation are concerned about a new international agreement, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

DP: Welcome - Pentadactyl

The TPP will result in significant copyright term extensions in signatory countries, which will have the immediate impact of slowing or halting growth of the public domain in many parts of the world. The agreement was drafted in secret. Public scrutiny and consideration are now needed for copyright term extension, and many other aspects of the agreement. The Trustees of Distributed Proofreaders are against further copyright term extensions in any country, and encourage all people who benefit from public domain materials to make their opinions known to their lawmakers. DPT: Welcome - Pentadactyl. Site Concept Distributed Proofreaders provides a web-based method to ease the conversion of Public Domain books into e-books.

DPT: Welcome - Pentadactyl

By dividing the workload into individual pages, many volunteers can work on a book at the same time, which significantly speeds up the creation process. During proofreading, volunteers are presented with a scanned page image and the corresponding OCR text on a single web page. This allows the text to be easily compared to the image, proofread, and sent back to the site. A second volunteer is then presented with the first volunteer's work and the same page image, verifies and corrects the work as necessary, and submits it back to the site.