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Covering Fire! #XNA #XBLIG. The Echinod Approaches! #XNA #XBLIG. The Alpha Urchin closes in... #XNA #XBLIG. Making Sure... #XNA #XBLIG. Approaching the Silos... #XNA #XBLIG. Into The Deep... #XNA #XBLIG. All the shiny happy pickups #XNA #XBLIG. A rough ride... #XNA #XBLIG. Metal Fatigue... #XNA #XBLIG. XNA Better Skinned Sample. A Better XNA Skinned Sample Like most people, when I started out with XNA, I learned from the Skinned Model sample provided by Microsoft.

XNA Better Skinned Sample

In subsequent years. As I learned more, I was always puzzled by some of the choices they made in this sample, and I noticed as I read online groups how some of these choices have led to beliefs about XNA that are not at all true. I also noticed that no simple examples seem to exist for animation of content that isn't skinned. For these reasons, I had always wanted to produce a better skinned model and animation sample program that would help people understand how these things should be done. You can find the XNA 4.0 Project here: Some unique features of this sample relative to the Skinned Model sample are: Bad Skinned Model Choices I may make someone mad in Microsoft, but I was always surprised by some of the choices made in the Skinned Model sample.

YouTube. Flame Grilled! #XNA #XBLIG. Sensor shows movement up ahead... #XNA #XBLIG. Establishing a perimeter... #XNA #XBLIG. He'll take your head off! #XNA #XBLIG. Towards the Maglev Bridge... #XNA #XBLIG. New screenshot! There are 4 things in here that are new/impro. Just water under the bridge... #XNA #XBLIG. Bob Taco Industries » Developer Resources » Links. FXAA in XNA « IceFall Games. This might prove useful to someone.

FXAA in XNA « IceFall Games

This is an XNA implementation of Timothy Lottes’ FXAA algorithm. Here it is. I’d tried it a while back (perhaps before he released his final version), and was never able to get good results – aesthetically or performance-wise. I’m not sure what was different this time, but it really is nearly a “drop in” component. It took less than an hour to get it up and running on the PC and Xbox, and maybe 15 minutes to put it in my game.

The default “quality” preset costs about 1.5ms on my GeForce GT 240, and the console version costs about 1ms on the Xbox 360. I haven’t really played around with tweaking the values – I’ve just left everything at the suggested defaults. The only changes required were for the Xbox. Here are two examples without FXAA (on the left) and with FXAA (on the right). A mountain trail... #XNA #XBLIG. Lessons I've learned in making an XNA game work on the Xbox360. I finally renewed my App Hub account, meaning it was time for me to make sure everything is working on the actual Xbox hardware.

Lessons I've learned in making an XNA game work on the Xbox360

When I went to see how my current build was running… let’s just say things were pretty bad. So I’ve been in the process of getting the game up to snuff for its console home, and I thought it might be nice to outline a few of the specifics. So glad I paid attention in Linear Algebra Aeternum doesn’t use the built in XNA SpriteBatch. My engine uses a custom group of batched primitive drawing tools.

The Bullet engine is one of these, although it actually uses a custom Vertex and Pixel shader combo, similar to the 3d Particle effect demo to move most of the drawing math to the GPU. However, the bulk of the sprite drawing is done by filling a large dynamic vertex buffer with quads having vertices calculated by the CPU, just like the SpriteBatch (to the best of my knowledge). Having said this, I would now like to say: you probably shouldn’t do this.

The Shaping Installation... #XNA #XBLIG. Little Racers STREET « Indie Gamer Chick. October 1, 2012 by Indie Gamer Chick Once I checked Miner Dig Deep off my “things to do” list, my most requested review became Little Racers STREET by Milkstone Studios.

Little Racers STREET « Indie Gamer Chick

I got at least one email a week and a tweet or two telling me how good it was. I wasn’t convinced, because we’re talking about Milkstone here. They’re probably the most productive XBLIG studio that doesn’t release text-based adventures or games about swatting a cat away from your food. Their games typically play well and have high production values. Wind animations for vegetation « IceFall Games. (Note: the original post and the included visual studio solution had some inaccuracies.

Wind animations for vegetation « IceFall Games

These have been fixed as of 2:25PM PST 10/19/2011) GPU Gems 3 provides a nice article on vegetation shading and animation in the Crysis engine. Since one of the features of the game I have in development is a dynamic weather system with sun, rain, and wind, I decided to adapt the wind animations described in this article for my purposes. Share photos and videos on Twitter.

Alien Apoplexy #XNA #XBLIG. Wading through the shallows... #XNA #XBLIG. Tales from the Dev Side: Making a Multiplayer XBLIG by James Petruzzi « Indie Gamer Chick. The first time I had a chance to make a noticeable impact on the Xbox Live Indie Game scene, it was during the 2011 Indie Game Summer Uprising event.

Tales from the Dev Side: Making a Multiplayer XBLIG by James Petruzzi « Indie Gamer Chick

I just didn’t play the part I had in mind. Perhaps my expectations were a little too high, because what followed was one bad review after another. An unseen approach... #XNA #XBLIG. Strike one! #XNA #XBLIG. Building Loot Tables from Excel using the Content Pipeline « Ben Kane. My current game project has a big emphasis on loot collection.

Building Loot Tables from Excel using the Content Pipeline « Ben Kane

I want my loot drop system to have a lot of flexibility for tuning drop rates though, so I’ve been creating a system similar to that found in Diablo II. I’ve settled on a system similar to the one described (in great detail) here, although considerably simplified for my purposes. What it boils down to is a table of values that I can easily add/remove entries from as well as tune any given values.

Maintaining this type of data is where a spreadsheet really excels (ha!). 2010 Advanced RealTime Rendering Course%29.pdf. Dust: An Elysian Tail™ The Maglev Bridge. #XNA #XBLIG. Avatar Laser Wars 2. Whether you’re a fan or not, I know I’m not alone in continually looking for a legitimate Call of Duty experience on XBLIG.

Avatar Laser Wars 2

The nature of the service (small or one-man teams) is prohibitive to that type of scope, but there’s been a few contenders that nevertheless press on and accept the challenge. Some have even done a decent job. I voted absent for the first Avatar Laser Wars, which was released almost two years ago and well before my reviewing tenure, but a quick sampling of the trial indicates I didn’t miss out on much. The third person camera is tossed in favor of fully becoming an FPS for the sequel, which to me feels like the right step.

The graphics and player progression also look much improved. Just like the original from DigitalDNA Games (yeah, the CastleMiner guys), the game ships with only one map. Its controls are modeled on the standard FPS mold; acclimation should be swift. It has minor faults. Indie Games. Thomas Steinke's Blog - Lessons From CastleMiner & Avatar Paintball: How to make it on Xbox Live Indie Games. Lessons From CastleMiner & Avatar Paintball: How to make it on Xbox Live Indie Games The following blog post, unless otherwise noted, was written by a member of Gamasutra’s community. The thoughts and opinions expressed are those of the writer and not Gamasutra or its parent company. Hi my name is Thomas Steinke.

What we have here is... a failure to communicate. #XNA #XBLIG. Examples for using Nvidia FXAA (shader antialiasing) in XNA 4.0 winforms. ShaderX Books. Broadcast Yourself. How To Create 360 Degree Panoramic Screenshots tutorial - Half-Life 2 Game. This tutorial will show you how to create 360 degree screenshots that the user can interact with and move around In this tutorial.

How To Create 360 Degree Panoramic Screenshots tutorial - Half-Life 2 Game

I will be teaching you how to create 360 Degree Screenshots that the user can move around. Here are some examples of what we will be creating Just select a Mod and Scroll down until you reach the panoramic Image, Just click on it to view. Randomchaos: Graphics Adventures with XNA. Use The Right Tool For The Job « Konaju Games. In the game I am currently working on, I was under the belief that I had no (or very few) memory allocations at run time.

Use The Right Tool For The Job « Konaju Games

And this was true for the most part. The memory allocations that were still occurring were either from the .NET Framework or XNA on the PC (I’m looking at you, MouseMove messages) or allocations that we couldn’t track because they only happened on the phone and there is no equivalent to CLR Profiler on the phone yet. What I didn’t count on was that many of the entities in a level were not being destroyed at the end of a level. During all of my memory testing, I had loaded into a level once, tested, then exited the game. Not once had I loaded into a level, then loaded into another level or even the same level a second time. I had spent two days working with a Windows version of my Windows Phone game in CLR Profiler trying to find these retained references, and had still not got any closer.

Thomas Steinke's Blog - The Myths about Xbox Live Indie Game Development. The Myths about Xbox Live Indie Game Development. The following blog post, unless otherwise noted, was written by a member of Gamasutra’s community. The thoughts and opinions expressed are those of the writer and not Gamasutra or its parent company. Hi my name is Thomas Steinke. The jungle came alive! #XNA #XBLIG. XNA Basic Starter Kit. The Dot Product - Definition, Geometric Interpretations, and Application. Home >> Pre-Calculus >> 6. Additional Topics in Trigonometry << 6.7. Vectors 6.8. The Dot Product There is an important operation on vectors, known as the dot product. . (6.8.1) u · v = uxvx + uyvy Example 1: Compute the dot product of the following pairs of vectors:

ShadowGun: Optimizing for Mobile Sample Level. Here at Unity, we want to offer you the smoothest experience for making fantastic games. One of the biggest parts of our job is ensuring that Unity is a highly performant platform for you to deploy to mobile devices, but when it comes to getting the best performance out of your games – that’s where you come in. So that you’re not in the dark when it comes to optimising your games, we got together with MadFinger Games, the developers of blockbuster mobile title ‘ShadowGun‘ to offer you a sample level project packed with innovative techniques, to help you learn about the techniques that they employed when creating their game.

UPDATE: We now have a dedicated forum thread for discussing the optimization tips shown in this sample level. Please continue discussion there - The sample level project can be downloaded via the button below. Googoobachoo: Rolling World Tutorial. The Macropai have overcome you! #XNA #XBLIG. RedBeard's Dev Blog. GPU Profiling in XNA Posted by redbeard on May 25, 2011 Everyone knows that when you have performance problems, you need to profile your application to find hot-spots and optimize them. XNA doesn’t give very good feedback about where time is spent; for CPU usage there are a number of tools and instrumentation samples which will tell you where time is being spent, but the GPU isn’t quite so blessed.

You can use tools like PIX for Windows (PIX on Xbox is excellent but is only available to XDK developers), but most XNA developers care about Xbox performance where the tools are more limited; built-in instrumentation is possibly your best bet on Xbox. On Windows there are also options such as NVPerfHud which are vendor-specific but can tell you things that are hidden to all other programs & APIs. Indiefreaks Game Profiler Teaser. Indie spotlight: avatars, oh yeah! (OUYA) and a world exclusive! Blending in Detail - Self Shadow. The x, why, z. Nothing kicks like a shotgun. #XNA #XBLIG. Float4x4. » Deferred Rendering II: Point Light Optimization in XNA RedBeard's Dev Blog. Posted by redbeard on July 25, 2011 Implementing deferred rendering in XNA 4.0 is somewhat more challenging than it needs to be.

The API in 4.0 has been “streamlined” mainly for use on Windows Phone, at the expense of certain capabilities. One major constraint is the explicit linking of depth-stencil buffers with render-targets; it is impossible to create an independent DS buffer, they are always associated with a single RT. This seems reasonable for forward rendering, where you typically draw to only a single render-target with a strongly linked depth buffer, even if you render out some intermediate targets for shadow maps or environment maps before the main render (they all get their own depth buffers too, a potential waste of video memory). In my deferred renderer, however, it means that I can no longer use the depth-buffer after un-binding the GBuffer render-target, because whichever new target I bind has its own depth-buffer which is blank or otherwise irrelevant. Results. Tales from the Dev Side: What Xbox Live Indie Games Have Meant to Me « Indie Gamer Chick. Indie Gamer Chick.

Broadcast Yourself. MonoGame - Write Once, Play Everywhere - View Discussion. Yea... no breakpoints during loading and it works fine. This smells of some sort of thread starvation or race condition. BEPUphysics - Blog. Article : Multi-threading your XNA « Sgt. Conker. Code, Collaborate, Compile - XNA Shader Programming – Tutorial 19, Hemispheric ambient light. XNA Shader ProgrammingTutorial 19, Hemispheric ambient light Hi, and welcome to Tutorial 19 of the XNA Shader Programming tutorial! Today I’m going to change the way we calculate our ambient light, so it gets a little more realistic than a flat light. The source can be found on the bottom of the article.

Garbage Collection

SSAO. Astralis. Game development. Blog - Nelxon Studio. XDSK2 (XNA 4.0 Resources) – Nelxon Studio. Method Parameters (C# Reference) Shawn Hargreaves Blog. Content catalog.