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International Journal of Psychophysiology - Effects of Piracetam on developmental dyslexia. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology - Nootropic drugs. Abstract 1.

Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology - Nootropic drugs

Nootropic drugs were proposed as a class of psychoactive drugs that selectively improve efficiency of higher telencephalic integrative activities. The nootropic concept and its prospective implications - Giurgea - 2005 - Drug Development Research. Nootropics. Please enable JavaScript for math equation rendering. A record of nootropics I have tried, with thoughts about which ones worked and did not work for me.

These anecdotes should be considered only as anecdotes, and one’s efforts with nootropics a hobby to put only limited amounts of time into due to the inherent limits of drugs as a force-multiplier compared to other things like programming; for an ironic counterpoint, I suggest the reader listen to a video of Jonathan Coulton’s “I Feel Fantastic” while reading. Your mileage will vary. There are so many parameters and interactions in the brain that any of them could be the bottleneck or responsible pathway, and one could fall prey to the common U-shaped dose-response curve (eg.

Somewhat ironically given the stereotypes, while I was in college I dabbled very little in nootropics, sticking to melatonin and tea. Golden age. Nootropics - Reviewing The Smart-Drugs By James South MA. Over 30 years have passed since the "Nootropic Revolution" quietly began with the development of Piracetam (PIR) in the late 1960's.

Nootropics - Reviewing The Smart-Drugs By James South MA

The second wave of this pharmacologic revolution occurred in the late 1970's with the development of Oxiracetam (OXR), Pramiracetam (PRM) and Aniracetam (ANR). The PIR-nootropics were revolutionary in at least two ways. They combined physiological and medical efficacy with a virtual absence of toxicity and side effects, something rarely seen with more standard medical drugs. More importantly, they offered promise not only in the realm of fighting disease, but also in the virtually unexplored realm of drugs that could not only postpone or even reverse "normal" brain aging, but could even make "normal" brains work better!

Johann Hari: They were great at first – but then the creativity dries up - Johann Hari, Commentators. It was originally designed for narcoleptics, but clinical trials stumbled across something odd: if you give it to non-narcoleptics, they become smarter.

Johann Hari: They were great at first – but then the creativity dries up - Johann Hari, Commentators

Their memory and concentration improves considerably, and so does their IQ. There were no known side-effects, except – oh, thank you! – weight loss. I hunted it down online. A week later, the little white pills arrived in the post. At any given time, only a small amount of your brainpower is dedicated to the tasks immediately in front of you. It's great at first – but it has a cost. When I stopped taking them, my brain went back to its slower, scrappier state – but my creative impulses came back. But if I ever had to do exams again, I would take Provigil.

How deep are you ready to go? Introduction to Nootropics. While there are many ways to hack your life and body, and we'll cover those on this blog, there is one thing that's an length ahead of others because it promises instant effect. What if I told you there is a pill that can if not instantly, then very quickly - make you smarter, faster, happier - make you better in one way or another?

You might think that's nothing new, drugs have been around for a long time. In the last few years and even decades news are full of stories about sportsmen that take them to break the records, students that take them so they do better at school and even housewives that need some extra juice to take care of the house and all the kids. And we were all taught that drugs are bad since they all have side effects and shouldn't be taken unless we really need them to cure some disease.

Drug abuse deteriorates your health and makes you addicted to them, we were taught, right? Smart Drugs Guide - News, Info, Shops - Nootropics, Cognition Enhancers. Editorial: Truth & Misleadingness. Return to the Cognitive Enhancement Research InstituteHome Page or Editorials Page.

Editorial: Truth & Misleadingness

From the August 22nd, 2000 issue of Smart Life News [v7n9]. Copyright (c) 2000. All rights reserved. Editorial: by Steven Wm. With the legal demise of the FDA’s significant scientific agreement standard for evaluating health claims, the concept of misleadingness has become legally important. Most readers have probably seen articles and/or promotional materials stating that X antioxidant is ten, a hundred or a thousand times more potent than Y antioxidant. In this issues’s Q&A column, a reader asks about Ward Dean’s and John Morgenthaler’s statement (in Smart Drugs & Nutrients) that pramiracetam is 15 times stronger than piracetam, when the pramiracetam manufacturer’s suggested dose is only half that of piracetam.

If the FDA ever decides to obey the courts and conform to the US Constitution, these questions are going to have to be answered. There are two items of evidence offered. We shouldn’t. Boosting Brain Power Beyond Gingko. By Michael A.

Boosting Brain Power Beyond Gingko

Smith, MD We all have those senior moments from time to time, forgetting where we put the keys or to pick up the dry cleaning. Sure, supplementing with Ginkgo is a great start, but how else can you tighten your focus and help ward off absent-minded mishaps? Let’s dig into two essential brain boosting ingredients that show exciting potential for just that purpose. Enhance Brain Function with Phosphatidlyserine Phosphatidylserine, known as PS, optimizes brain cell structure and function. Research Peptides and Chemicals. European Journal of Pharmacology : Effects of direct and indirect acetylcholine receptor agonists on growth hormone secretion in humans.