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Reddit to Mainstream Media: We Ain't "Small" [Infographic] Get Smarter Here. Site Profile for (rank #1,352) DoubleClick Ad Planner by Google. Sphinn - News, Discussion Forums & Networking For Search & Inter. Site Profile for (rank #16,708) DoubleClick Ad Planner by Google. Slashdot Stories (10) Site Profile for (rank #3,757) DoubleClick Ad Planner by Google. Slashdot Struggles to Remain Relevant in The Social Web.

Earlier today we published an analysis of the top traffic drivers in social media, based on data from Web analytics company Woopra.

Slashdot Struggles to Remain Relevant in The Social Web

The biggest traffic driver was StumbleUpon (51%), followed by Digg (30%), Hacker News (12%) and Reddit (5%). Surprisingly, tech news community Slashdot was not in the list of top referrers. In fact, according to Woopra CEO John Pozadzides, Slashdot "drives close to 0% of traffic to the sites Woopra measures. " (emphasis ours) Why is Slashdot almost irrelevant to the social media community? Slashdot Has Lost Users to Competitors Much of the reason why Slashdot isn't impacting the social Web community is its focus on heavy duty tech. Slashdot is targeted to engineers and programmers - and makes no apologies for it. The obvious answer is that Slashdot has lost users to Hacker News and other tech news communities.

Quel avenir pour le Private Equity ? La crise financière mondiale actuelle, déclenchée par l’effondrement des crédits immobiliers hypothécaires, a mis à rude épreuve l’activité économique, et le private equity n’en est pas sorti indemne.

Quel avenir pour le Private Equity ?

En effet, les media, les régulateurs, et les clients ont émis des critiques acerbes contre le private equity, en particulier en ce qui concerne les niveaux d’endettement dans les sociétés de leur portefeuille, mais aussi les plans de restructuration rigoureux et l’exploitation de certains avantages fiscaux. La situation est exacerbée par la confusion existant entre le private equity et le secteur des fonds alternatifs à haut risque. En conséquence, le paysage du private equity a changé de façon radicale au cours des 18 derniers mois. Il est e plus en plus difficile de faire appel à la dette bancaire pour financer les projets d’investissement et une nouvelle réglementation est en train de se mettre en place. DST: A Mutual Fund of Hot Startups, With a Russian Accent. If you’ve ever wanted to grab a piece of some of the hottest web startups in Silicon Valley and elsewhere, the upcoming initial public offering of Russian investment fund Digital Sky Technologies could be just what you’re looking for.

DST: A Mutual Fund of Hot Startups, With a Russian Accent

The company has been widely rumored to be looking at a public share issue, and a report in the New York Times says that it has chosen Goldman Sachs as the lead underwriter for the IPO, which is expected to arrive sometime in 2011. The fund, which is controlled by one of Russia’s wealthiest men, has investments in what are arguably three of the hottest Internet companies on the planet: Facebook, Zynga and Groupon. Digital Sky’s IPO offers investors the ability to buy shares in what has become a kind of mutual fund for hot tech companies. A VC: Lead Investors, Dipshit Companies, and Funding Every Entrepreneur.

Sounds like a great conversation yesterday at Y Combinator's AngelConf in Silicon Valley.

A VC: Lead Investors, Dipshit Companies, and Funding Every Entrepreneur

Anthony Ha of Venturebeat had a couple posts on it that I just read, one on Paul Graham's comments, and another on Ron Conway and Mike Arrington's comments. I would have enjoyed being part of that discussion so I'll join in now. I second Ron Conway's hope that "any entrepreneur that has “the guts” to start a company gets funded. " That is my kind of thinking. Lee Hower - Blog - The Institutionalization of Social Games... Get Used to It. The Institutionalization of Social Games… Get Used to It July 29, 2010 The social games market has exploded onto the startup scene in the last three years.

Lee Hower - Blog - The Institutionalization of Social Games... Get Used to It

We all know about the remarkable growth of companies in this space, yet we tend to forget that Zynga was founded in July 2007. But the social games business has clearly entered a new phase of institutionalization. I don’t mean just consolidation via EA acquisition of Playfish, Disney acquisition of Playdom, huge strategic investments from Google & SOFTBANK in Zynga, and plus countless smaller consolidations. 1) Production Values Going Up – Every social game developer I speak to agrees that production values are increasing. 2) Low/No Cost Customer Acquisition Is Largely Gone – This has been true for some time (6-12mo), as social networks like Facebook changed the way in-game activity could be published to status feeds. 3) IP Starts to Matter – Disney didn’t buy Playdom for a huge user base or massive current revenue stream.

Google: The search party is over. Yes, the company is still growing at rates that would be the envy of the rest of the Fortune 500.

Google: The search party is over

But its core business is slowing, its stock is down, its Android mobile platform generates scant revenue, and competition (hello, Facebook) is fierce. Can Google find its footing in this brave new world? By Michael V. Copeland with Seth Weintraub Google founders Larry Page (left) and Sergey Brin invented the algorithm that drives nearly all of Google's revenue. Stroll across the Googleplex in Mountain View, Calif., and you are confronted by a world that sparkles a bit more than whatever slightly dreary one you just left. It looks a lot like the midday break at some elite college campus.

The Googlers certainly know this, but in classic Innovator's Dilemma fashion, the company seems unsure about how to move beyond the core search business that has brought it such massive success. Business model that Google built around Page and Brin's breakthrough PageRank algorithm. Why haven't we seen browser extensions take off like Facebook Apps? : quoi de neuf en ligne! Site Profile for (rank #1,964) DoubleClick Ad Planner by Google. Social Site Reddit Shows Off Traffic Data – Puts Alexa, Compete, Quantcast To Shame.

If you don’t know Reddit, you have been missing out on one of the best websites online.

Social Site Reddit Shows Off Traffic Data – Puts Alexa, Compete, Quantcast To Shame

Something of a Digg clone, Reddit has vital communities around nearly every topic you can imagine. If you love something niche, you have friends at Reddit. Though the website is big, and was bought up by Conde Nast, it has never received much respect in the technology world; it was always smaller and later than its predecessor, Digg. Reddit Calls Out "Experts" for "Misunderestimating" Its Traffic. A week ago, social news and bookmark site Reddit sent out a call for help to its users.

Reddit Calls Out "Experts" for "Misunderestimating" Its Traffic

While some questioned who would just give money to a website for an undefined service in return, more than 6,000 people paid to join Reddit Gold. Now, the website is saying that "'Experts' misunderestimate our traffic, and we don't know why". Reddit Goes Freemium In Huge Social Experiment. In case you missed it, here is some back story: social news and discussion website Reddit needed more money for servers and people to run them.

Reddit Goes Freemium In Huge Social Experiment

Their corporate overlords did not agree and would not loosen the purse. To fight against downtime, the site asked their users for donations, any donation, and called the club for people who payed ‘Reddit Gold.’ Now a week or so into the idea, and with over 9,000 people having donated, Reddit has outlined what they are going to give Reddit users in return for their money, and how they are going to move from a ‘donate anything plan’ to a ‘real business model.’ Reddit Proves Donations Can Work: Site Gets New Features, Server.

Remember that whole thing, where social news and bookmark site Reddit came out asking its users for donations without offering any specific features or much of anything in return?

Reddit Proves Donations Can Work: Site Gets New Features, Server

Well, it looks like it's working. While the Reddit team only offered its "undying gratitude and an optional trophy", it looks like users have gotten some new site functionality and even a potentially more stable site in return for their donations. Shortly after adopting the "Reddit Gold" freemium model, Reddit began offering those who donated to the site a set of features, such as the ability to turn off sidebar and sponsored ads, "Friends with Benefits", which added the ability to add notes to friends to better keep track of them, and "access to a super-secret members-only community that may or may not exist".

As of yesterday, when one of Reddit's continually-pesky servers crashed yet again, a new set of features were added site-wide and the Reddit team took advantage of the downtime to swap out some hardware. Propeller. Site Profile for (rank #8,715) DoubleClick Ad Planner by Google. Welcome! - Mixx. Site Profile for (rank #5,113) DoubleClick Ad Planner by Google. Drew Curtis' Site Profile for (rank #2,094) DoubleClick Ad Planner by Google. Sharing Stream, Real-time Sharing, Trending Shares - ShareThis Stream. Trending Content API Provides access to real-time socially trending content across the ShareThis Publisher Network of 2M+ websites. Overview Users sharing content on social networks, or friends and followers clicking on shared links indicate a measure of social popularity for content.

We refer to this as Social Reach. When combined with velocity (i.e. how fast the Social Reach is occurring) the API delivers content that is in essence viral at that moment based on Social Reach and velocity. How it works 1. Do you want to see the API in action? Base Endpoint URL Get Live Trending Content This is the method for requesting the latest list of URLs that are socially trending based on the sharing activity of all users in the given time period, domain and/or topic. Call description: All the digg-style applications.