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Mtg maths. Men's Pair - 2000 Olympics. Flims du métro. Articlemichelbaudpe22012. A Checklist For Your Mid-Twenties. A Big Surprise from the Edge of the Solar System. A Big Surprise from the Edge of the Solar System June 9, 2011: NASA's Voyager probes are truly going where no one has gone before. Gliding silently toward the stars, 9 billion miles from Earth, they are beaming back news from the most distant, unexplored reaches of the solar system.

Mission scientists say the probes have just sent back some very big news indeed. It's bubbly out there. "The Voyager probes appear to have entered a strange realm of frothy magnetic bubbles," says astronomer Merav Opher of Boston University. According to computer models, the bubbles are large, about 100 million miles wide, so it would take the speedy probes weeks to cross just one of them. "The sun's magnetic field extends all the way to the edge of the solar system," explains Opher. When a magnetic field gets severely folded like this, interesting things can happen. "We never expected to find such a foam at the edge of the solar system, but there it is! " The case of cosmic rays is illustrative. Author: Dr. Hipsters. Unhappy Hipsters. News to Share. Le mea culpa des maths à la finance ? Pas encore | ParisTechRevi.

Corollaire : les grands pays mathématiciens, la France au premier rang d’entre eux, font partie des coupables car ils ont offert une caution scientifique à des règles du jeu pathogènes. La finance a besoin de matheux de haut vol et elle vient les chercher là où ils sont, en France, un pays marqué en outre par une forte culture bancaire et financière.

La presse du monde entier s’est déchaînée sur les matheux, du Wall Street Journal au Monde en passant par le magazine en ligne Wired. Pour l’accusation, les ingénieurs financiers formés à la française ont contribué à pousser vers l’abîme la finance américaine puis, par contagion, la finance mondiale. Comment ? En proposant aux dirigeants de ces institutions des modèles mathématiques qui étaient censés neutraliser le risque contenu dans les produits financiers, et qui n’ont pas tenu leurs promesses. Les intéressés plaident non coupable. Li a-t-il pour autant une responsabilité dans l’explosion de la bulle des « subprimes » ? Infographics. Stellar. Scott Pilgrim. Vous Etes Perdu ? Happy birthday! Sistine Chapel. 7 Apps We're Falling in Love With.

We test a lot of software around here, on the web, on our desktop and on our phones. It's a great job to have, but only so much of what we test really sticks and becomes a part of our daily routines. Every once in awhile we like to compare lists in our team chat room and then share them with you. Here are the latest tools and services we've come to love, maybe you'd like to give them a try too. Posterous Think you find a lot of great stuff online? You should try sharing it with people using Posterous.

The user experience for this curation and blogging tool is remarkable, a real model for other app makers to check out. See also: How to Use Tumblr, Posterous and Other Light Blogging Services Topify Ever feel frustrated by the emails you get from Twitter? See also: Ten Companies Twitter Should Consider Acquiring Next Seesmic Web The never-ending battle between Seesmic and Tweetdeck to see who can make the coolest Twitter client is great for users. Tweetie 2 Aardvark Chrome/Chromium LazyFeed. David Hasselhoff.

Sacha Baron Cohen

Some sources of inspiration. The Perils of Studying Economics. By James Kwak Patrick McGeehan at the New York Times recently wrote about a New York Fed study finding that studying economics makes you a Republican. The headline conclusion is that the more economics classes you take, the more likely you are to be a Republican. Majoring in economics or business is also more likely to make you a Republican.

(See Table 2 in the original paper.) The study is based on thousands of observations of undergraduates at four large universities over three decades, so it is focused on undergraduate-level economics. Studying economics also affects your position on several public policy issues. Tariffs are bad.Trade deficits are not so bad.The government should not cap oil prices in response to a supply shock.Raising the minimum wage increase unemployment for low-wage workers.Income distribution should not be more equal.

These are all pro-free market, anti-government intervention positions. This is something I’ve mentioned in passing often.