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Game of thrones. Tron Legacy 2010. MARVEL. Series TV. How to finance a Hollywood blockbuster. - By Edward Jay Epstein. As paradoxical and absurd as it sounds, it's cheaper for a Hollywood studio to make a big-budget action movie than to make a shoestring art film like Sideways.

How to finance a Hollywood blockbuster. - By Edward Jay Epstein

Consider Paramount's 2001 action flick Lara Croft: Tomb Raider. On paper, Tomb Raider's budget was $94 million. In fact, the entire movie cost Paramount less than $7 million. Gen Y and Boomers Diverge on Facebook Movie, Poll Finds. When Facebook debuted to the public in 2006, youth flocked to it to create an online persona and keep track of their friends, while many adults thought the social networking site was just another fad and that sharing their lives online was weird, perhaps even dangerous.

Gen Y and Boomers Diverge on Facebook Movie, Poll Finds

That divide has closed quite a bit in four years, but now that Aaron Sorkin has turned Facebook’s seedy origins into the box-office smash The Social Network, there’s a similar divide in the reaction to the movie: 18- to 34-year-olds like Facebook even more, while the site’s reputation fell among adults over 50. That’s according to survey data from YouGov BrandIndex, which interviews 5,000 people every weekday, asking them to gauge what they think of various companies and brands. Scores range from 100 to -100, figured by subtracting negative feedback from positive, with a zero score reflecting equal numbers of positive and negative feedback.