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Google + Google 2015: what will it look like? I worked at post-DOJ-spanked Microsoft.

Google 2015: what will it look like?

I saw firsthand how wimpy Bill Gates got (I had a lunch with him and Mike Arrington where we talked about whether Microsoft would let us acquire interesting new companies. “No way” was the basic answer. Funny that back then they could have purchased Skype for $2 billion, not listening cost them $6.5 billion). Today Jason Calacanis is taking Google to task for being naughty. It’s worse than that Jason. So, what could Google in 2015 look like? Jason lays out one vision of what Google could look like in four years: a nice company that helps the entire industry grow together.

Let’s be honest. Go into the heads of a big-company employee. Even worse, will the average employee at a big company tell the lawyers to sit down and shut up? What’s small today? Anyway, what will Google look like in 2015? First, what will the trends be for the next four years? 1. So, which ones is Google doing well at today in 2011? News Desk: Why Is Eric Schmidt Stepping Down at Google? Was Eric Schmidt pushed or did he jump?

News Desk: Why Is Eric Schmidt Stepping Down at Google?

Both. According to close advisors, the Google C.E.O. was upset a year ago when co-founder Larry Page sided with his founding partner, Sergey Brin, to withdraw censored searches from China. Schmidt did not hide his belief that Google should stay in the world’s largest consumer marketplace. It was an indication of the nature of the relationship Schmidt had with the founders that he—as Brian Cashman of the Yankees did this week—acknowledged that the decision was made above his head.

He often joked that he provided “adult supervision,” and was never shy about interrupting the founders at meetings to crystallize a point.

Google revenues

Google vs Facebook. Is Google the future Microsoft? Google I / O. Google & real time search. Google & Yelp. Italy/GOOG. Google and China. Google vs Murdoch. Google phone. IPhone vs Android. Chrome OS. Google SV WIFI collect. Google TV. Google Buys Invite Media. UPDATE: Google has now confirmed the deal. ———— Google has indeed bought ad technology start-up Invite Media, I’ve confirmed with multiple sources.

Google Buys Invite Media

As I wrote last month, Invite is a three-year-old “demand-side platform” designed to help buyers navigate high-volume display-advertising exchanges–like the one Google launched last year. I don’t have a price for the deal nailed down, but I believe it’s in the $70 million range. Google (GOOG) declined to comment; I haven’t heard back from Invite Media CEO Nat Turner. People familiar with the transaction say Google’s plan is to leave Invite running as a standalone unit, which will work at arm’s length with exchange’s like Google’s AdX, as well as competitors like OpenX, Yahoo’s (YHOO) Right Media and Microsoft’s (MSFT) AdECN.

That makes sense, because ad buyers who use Invite, like Publicis’s Vivaki, expect to be able to buy inventory from multiple exchanges.

Google buzz

Google Music.