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Apple vs Google war

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Apple’s Spat With Google Is Getting Personal. Google's Open Web vs Apple's vendor lock-in | Googling Google | Jason Perlow has a theory. Some people might say that it's a little far-fetched, a little conspiratorial. However, I've worked with Jason long enough to know that very often his theories end up being realized. This particular theory has the makings of an epic battle between Apple and Google (along with potentially a host of other vendors and the open source community). Essentially, Jason makes a case suggesting that Apple is looking to extend the closed vertical ecosystem that it has already brought to music into all of the media we consume.

As we move away from a PC-centric world to an Internet-centric world, the idea of a "screen" (whether smartphones, terminals, kiosks, PCs, televisions, or MIDs) that connects us to the Web and all of the data and applications we host there makes a lot of sense. And if, as Jason suggests, the iPad is Apple's first real volley into the "screen" market then we should expect future generations of Apple's screen to be Who will win the battle?

The Dogs of War: Apple vs. Google vs. Microsoft - Apple - Gizmod. Battle Cry? Google Buys Stealth Company Founded By Guys That Spu. The whole Apple/Google thing continues to get more interesting. The two tech giant buddies are now clearly at odds with one another (coffee dates and all). The iPhone and Android are already at war. And soon, the two will be at war in ads (AdSense vs. iAds) and portable computing (iPads versus Chrome OS netbooks). And leading up to those wars, both have been making some interesting hires and acquisitions. The latest is Google, which at some point recently bought the stealth startup Agnilux, according to peHUB. PA Semi was the chip company that Apple bought in 2008, and is now believed to be the key force behind the new A4 chip that powers the iPad (and perhaps the upcoming iPhone). Some of the chip engineers Apple gained in its purchase of PA Semi appear to have already left the company. The story goes on: Neither Mr. In other words, Google’s acquisition of this company probably pisses off Apple.

Steve Jobs On Google’s Android Betrayal: “My Sex Life Is Pretty. Today at AllThingsD’s D8 conference, Apple CEO Steve Jobs is the guest of honor, where he has taken the stage for an extended interview with Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher. One of the topics touched on was Google’s Android, and how Jobs felt about Apple’s long-time partner making products that directly compete with the iPhone and iPad. In one exchange, Mossberg asked Jobs whether he felt betrayed by Eric Schmidt and Google. Jobs’ non-sequitur response: “My sex life is pretty good”. Obviously it’s a sore subject (or at least one without a good PR-friendly response). When Mossberg asked about the competition, Jobs noted that it was Google that decided to compete with Apple — Apple didn’t decide it was moving into the search business (he reportedly made similar statements at an internal all-hands meeting earlier this year).

Regarding ChromeOS, Jobs pointed out that Google was building off of the open-source WebKit engine, which Apple created. We want to make better products than them.