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"Carbonalyser": the browser extension which reveals the climate impact of internet navigation - The Shift Project. The add-on “Carbonalyser” allows to visualize the electricity consumption and greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions that your Internet browsing leads to.

"Carbonalyser": the browser extension which reveals the climate impact of internet navigation - The Shift Project

Since october 2019 and thanks to Orange Labs, it is also available as an app: Mobile Carbonalyser. Visualizing it will get you to understand that impacts of digital technologies on climate change and natural resources are not virtual, although they are hidden behind our screens. To evaluate these impacts, the add-on: Measures the quantity of data travelling through your Internet browser,Calculates the electricity consumption this traffic leads to (with the “1byte” model, developed by The Shift Project),Calculates the GHG emissions this electricity consumption leads to, following the selected location. How to use it Run the analysis with “Run analysis”.Browse the Internet as you usually do.Visualize results at any time, in real-time, by clicking on the add-on icon in your browser. Features The box “How to change that? Methodology. Patagonia founder Yvon Chouinard: How to save Planet Earth. What Kind of Problem Is Climate Change?

Is there any way to escape the prisoner’s dilemma facing the provision of a public good?

What Kind of Problem Is Climate Change?

The problem was first noticed by the 17th-century philosopher Thomas Hobbes, seeking the justification of political authority. Hobbes’s question of how to escape anarchy poses a prisoner’s dilemma. The rule of law, he recognized, is non-rivalrously and non-excludably consumed, even for the weakest, the poorest. It’s obvious of course that some laws are better for some people than for others. But Hobbes argued that any laws, even the laws of a tyrannical dictator, no matter how harmful they may be, confer some minimal non-excludable benefit on everyone that we can consume non-rivalrously. The enforced rule of law, any law, at least gets us out of the state of nature, where “the life of man is solitary, mean, nasty, brutish and short.” For answering this question, the political scientist Elinor Ostrom won the Nobel Prize that was supposed to go only to economists.

Vivre avec la Terre - Méthode de la ferme du Bec.... Perrine Hervé-Gruyer - Decitre - Livre - 9782330119478. Le changement climatique s'accélère, la biodiversité s'effondre, notre modèle de civilisation vacille...

Vivre avec la Terre - Méthode de la ferme du Bec.... Perrine Hervé-Gruyer - Decitre - Livre - 9782330119478

N'est-il pas temps d'inventer ensemble une nouvelle manière d'habiter la Terre, en nous laissant inspirer parla nature ? A la Ferme biologique du Bec Hellouin, Perrin et Charles Hervé-Cruyer et leur équipe cherchent 9 subvenir aux besoins des humains tout en prenant soin de toutes les formes de vie. Ils y pratiquent l'écoculture, une nouvelle forme d'agriculture qui imite les écosystèmes naturels. Les recherches scientifiques ont validé les résultats de cette approche qui permet, grâce à des outils manuels simples et efficaces, de produire des légumes et des fruits d'une excellente qualité gustative et nutritive, avec des rendements qui peuvent être dix fois supérieurs, par unité de surface, aux rendements de l'agriculture biologique motorisée. Cette production généreuse s'accompagne d'une rapide augmentation de la fertilité des sols. Never Underestimate the Intelligence of Trees - Issue 77: Underworlds 

Consider a forest: One notices the trunks, of course, and the canopy.

Never Underestimate the Intelligence of Trees - Issue 77: Underworlds 

If a few roots project artfully above the soil and fallen leaves, one notices those too, but with little thought for a matrix that may spread as deep and wide as the branches above. Fungi don’t register at all except for a sprinkling of mushrooms; those are regarded in isolation, rather than as the fruiting tips of a vast underground lattice intertwined with those roots. The world beneath the earth is as rich as the one above. For the past two decades, Suzanne Simard, a professor in the Department of Forest & Conservation at the University of British Columbia, has studied that unappreciated underworld. Her specialty is mycorrhizae: the symbiotic unions of fungi and root long known to help plants absorb nutrients from soil. It’s not just nutrient flows that Simard describes. This can be difficult to wrap one’s head around. Behind a growing root tip is a bunch of differentiating cells.

How do you define cognition? The Intelligence of Plants.