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Personal Outsourcing: How to Get More than 24 Hours Out of Each Day. Having a cleaning service has totally given me more time. I fought it for a long time. If I just made the right schedule, just got everyone into the habit, just read another book or tried another product, we'd be able to have a clean house. It never worked out. Duties were shirked. Meditation Can Improve Your Memory, Focus, and Productivity at Work. Protect Your Stuff From Loss and Theft This Weekend. Bright motion lights everywhere if you own a home.

Protect Your Stuff From Loss and Theft This Weekend

I set them to go off even if someone drives by the house. I also installed obvious looking security cameras. They really are there for webcams so I can see if UPS left me a package and if the dog is having fun in the back yard. But the thieves and neighborhood troublemakers notice them and stay away. How to Find Out What's Keeping Your Computer from Going to Sleep. Act as if You're a Certain Type of Person to Become that Person.

Reader (341) Five Best To-Do List Managers. Prevent Food and Drinks from Tasting Minty and Weird After You Brush Your Teeth. How I Learned a Language in 90 Days. Practice Recall, Not Repeating to Memorize Large Blocks of Text. I've known this trick for awhile, and pimsleur's method of memorization (repeating frequently at first, then slowing down and just reviewing less and less often until you have it) has been good for the handful of times I wanted to memorize something (usually some piece to recite as a party trick, or something I found myself linking a lot, like Socrates showing how a slave was "remembering" something he'd never been taught, through logic and the Socratic method).

Practice Recall, Not Repeating to Memorize Large Blocks of Text

Putting the two together works rather well, but there's the Application part of it too: Use it or lose it, so to speak. Reading over the letters and reciting the full piece to yourself practices recall: can you read the Address from the letters themselves now? Read it until you get it again, then let it rest... a couple days this time, and try again. Eventually you'll have it stored as long-term because you've recalled the data that's *not* there, with the list-of-first-letters as a cue card. 2 cents. Put Some Old School Technology on Your Desktop with These Wallpapers. It's Your Day Off: Choose Something Awesome to Do With It Here.

ZipList Is an All-in-One Meal Planner, Recipe Box, and Shopping List App. Fold It Up and Move It Around: A Compact Workspace on Wheels. Top 10 Pervasive Tech Myths That Are Only Wasting Your Time. Better than just saying extended warranties are useless is putting a little thought behind them.

Top 10 Pervasive Tech Myths That Are Only Wasting Your Time

Sure, 90% of the time, it's not worth it. If you get a dud gadget, you'll likely know within the return period or the regular warranty period. But, there are a few times I've bought them and been happy I did. For example, back when Xbox 360s were super error-prone, I went ahead and put down $29 for a 3-year extended warranty on my son's Xbox Elite. Yes, Microsoft had extended their own warranty to 3 years for specific red ring problems, but there were other problems that only the 1 year warranty covered. Another example is for a digital camera I bought my daughter when she was younger. Very specific examples, yes, but that's my point. Learn the Simple Tricks to the Art of Persuasion. How to Combat the Most Common Symptoms of Being Overworked.

It is because in the usa Abusing the employee is the standard. the 6 week vacation you take all at once would go a very long way to making the american worker more productive and happy.

How to Combat the Most Common Symptoms of Being Overworked

A 6 week vacation would allow them to take real vacations that would also help the economy. Instead of me spending my week of vacation less than a few hundred miles from home, if I had even just 4 weeks in a row, I would ride a motorcycle across the USA from coast to Coast going slowly on a historic route like Route 66. But here in the USA we have our work ethic set by one of the most worker unfriendly people to have ever lived. Henry Ford did not believe in giving workers vacations, he despised his employees, and tried everything to have them paid as little as possible. he was one of the reasons the Labor Unions here in the USA came to be. the other "pillars of industry" you will hear people touted as great Americans, Like Rockefeller and Carnegie both were proud of how badly they treated the worker. Plan Your Free Online Education at Lifehacker U: Summer Semester 2012. Boost Your Creativity by Improving Your Working Memory.

Tie a Tie in 5 Seconds Flat. Identify and hone your work that could become timeless. How to Productively Call People Out on Their BS (Without Being an Asshole) Slow Jogging Just a Few Times a Week Can Add Years to Your Life. Learn to Survive the Most Common Deadly Bites. I'd gladly be bitten/stung by any of those things than be stung by a suzumebachi; it's what I'm most afraid of here in my tiny mountain village in Japan.

Learn to Survive the Most Common Deadly Bites

We have giant centipedes (mukade) that are creepy and have a nasty bite, but the suzumebachi will frakkin' kill you... sometimes with one sting. They're the Asian giant hornet, or "sparrow hornet," or "yak-killer" and they kill more people annually in Japan than all other animal attacks/bites/stings *combined*. Also, when they sting you, they emit a pheromone that attracts and enrages other suzumebachi, so as soon as you're stung, you're a walking target for other angry suzumebachi. Also, once a person is stung, they often develop an allergy to the toxin that remains with them for the rest of their life, and drastically increases the likelihood of death from a second sting, even years later.

Shampoo Your Hair with Beer for a Silky, Soft Shine. Uncover and Manipulate Your Triggers to Optimize Your Work and Life. "Force Quit" Yourself to Get Your Sleep Schedule Back on Track and Avoid Another Day of Fatigue. Your body has to receive triggers as to when it is day & night for your body clock run on.

"Force Quit" Yourself to Get Your Sleep Schedule Back on Track and Avoid Another Day of Fatigue

If you shifted continents, you'd still want to stay up later, faking the day/night cues for your body works. Basically, this means if you have DSPD, having the lights on at night is a killer, which is the opposite of what I want, because I don't want to switch them off when I'm feeling wide awake. But, the lights on are exactly what makes my body think it's still day/early evening etc.

There's a theory that a good portion of DSPD people are just more sensitive to artificial lighting than everyone else. Monitors are especially bad with the blue light. Wearing amber sunglasses from early evening onwards helps me, melanon, and bright lights that switch on about an hour before I get up in the morning. Oh, and I figured out a work-around for the weekend sleep-in. Change a Habit in Three Steps with This Flowchart.

I'm going to promote your comment by way of calling you out for being a bullshitter extraordinaire.

Change a Habit in Three Steps with This Flowchart

Nicotine is one of the most famously addictive substances known. There are many cases reported of people who were told they had cancer, were on drugs and treatment to help them fight cancer, and yet could not stop smoking tobacco. The BBC had a documentary about this phenomenon at least 15 years ago. If you claim that you simply stopped your addiction to tobacco and 'it was easy', I can only suspect you to be either a liar or someone with above-human psychological abilities.

How to Hack Your Brain. Drink Water to Improve Test Scores. Top 10 Highly-Desired Skills You Can Teach Yourself. Where to Get the Best Free Education Online. I Learned to Speak Four Languages in a Few Years: Here's How.

How Can I Recharge My Depleted Motivation? Fill Out This Daily Checklist to Avoid Neglecting Your Personal Needs. Get Free Books, Gadgets, and More by Writing Thoughtful Reviews. Zero Dollar Books Shows You All the Best Selling Kindle Ebooks Currently Available for Free. Put Together a Killer Go Bag This Weekend. My current Go Bag consists of: A $20 backpack from Target that has a lot of room for stuff.

Put Together a Killer Go Bag This Weekend

I was thinking one from Ikea as well, but not as big as I'd like it to be. Inside that bag: - Front Pouch holds some medicine and some instant Coffee (VIA). A headphone pouch repurposed for pens and other doohickies. - Room for iPad and Bluetooth Keyboard Case - Room for Laptop 15" and power. - A small pouch for couple of SSDs - A Camera Bag with my trust camera and other accessories. - A Soft carrying case for cables, iPad output kits, etc. - A Headphone pouch repurposed to carry stuff like pens, pencils, and power cord for said backpack.