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The Catholic Sacrament of Reconciliation. Many Catholics treasure the sacrament of Reconciliation.

The Catholic Sacrament of Reconciliation

The peace of mind and soul which this sacrament imparts to us is one for which there is no substitute. It is a peace that flows from a certainty, rather than from an unsure hope, that our sins have been forgiven and that we are right with God. Although many converts to the Catholic Church initially fear it, they quickly come to love the sacrament of Reconciliation once they get over their nameless fears—fears which come from a misconception of what the sacrament really is. Confession, Penance & Reconciliation The sacrament of Reconciliation is also known as Penance and Confession, among other names. Although often called Reconciliation in common usage, the term "penance" best describes the essential interior disposition required for this sacrament. The Catholic Toolbox: Beatitudes. The Beatitudes Activities & Lessons: Lesson Title: The Beatitudes The Eight Beatitudes of Jesus and their meanings (for older students) The Beatitudes (explained for young children) The Beatitudes Resources on the Beatitudes in general and on each of the Beatitudes. The Beatitudes Lesson with memory verses, circle the correct words, true or false, fill in the blanks, puzzles, and color sheets. Sermon on the Mount Lesson with puzzles, coloring sheet, Bible readings, questions, memory verses, key points, object lesson, drama, puppets, etc.

The Catholic Toolbox: Beatitudes

GCSE RE: Faith in Action - CAFOD. Ron Rolheiser - Speaker, Columnist and Author. From Birth to Burial: the Curious Case of Easter Eggs. Ever wonder why the humble egg is the focus of the most important Christian holiday?

From Birth to Burial: the Curious Case of Easter Eggs

The egg is ubiquitous and cheap today, often the product of backyard coops managed by hipsters keen on urban farming. But this incredible, edible source of protein was, millennia ago, a potent religious symbol. It all started with the spring or vernal equinox (which, this year, is today). Ash Wednesday & Lent In Two Minutes. Catholic Education Office Sydney - RE Online. Catholic Youth Ministry Resources. Resources for Catholic Faith Education. CAFOD, Catholic Overseas Development Agency. UK Charity website. Pope2you. The Catholic Church in Australia : Official Website of the ACBC : Australian Catholic Bishops Conference. Catholic Australia - Facts and Figures. Facts and Figures Catholic Population How many Catholics are there in Australia?

Catholic Australia - Facts and Figures

According to the 2001 Australian Census, the Catholic population was 5,001,624 or 26.6% of the total Australian population. Mass attendance How many Catholics go to Mass on Sundays? In 2001, about 15.3% of all Australian Catholics attended Mass on a typical Sunday. Dioceses and Parishes How many dioceses are there in Australia? There are 32 dioceses in Australia. How many parishes are there? The 2005 Official Directory lists 1363 parishes, including 29 belonging to Eastern Catholic Churches.

What are Eastern Catholic Churches? Almost all of Australia's five million Catholics belong to what is called the Latin Rite or the Western Catholic Church, but there are also a small number of Catholics who belong to Eastern Catholic Churches, often called Eastern Rites. Priests How many priests are there in Australia? How does this number compare with the past? What is the age profile of priests? Religious Sisters and Brothers. Vestments of Catholic Priests and Bishops. The following vestments are worn by all priests at the celebration of the mass.

Vestments of Catholic Priests and Bishops

The separate garments are to be put on according to ecclesiastical rules in a fixed order, as follows: Amice Alb Cincture Maniple Stole Chasuble Cope Dalmatic Surplice Biretta The amice (amictus, humerale, more rarely superhumerae) is an oblong linen cloth (at least 32 inches long and 24 wide), which is first placed upon the head and then brought down and drawn about the neck where it is fastened with cords. Originally it served as a head-covering for the priest; at present only a few orders wear it over the head on the way to and from the altar.

The existence of the smite can be proved only since the end of the eighth century, and it is probably referable to some ancient priestly ceremonies. The alb is identical with the light tunic of antiquity, more precisely with the white tunic with sleeves (tunics manicata) which came down to the feet (tunics talaris, poderis, Gk. podeyes, chiton). Source. Liturgy of the Word: Understanding the Catholic Liturgy of the Word by Kay Murdy. Praying the Mass: The Liturgy of the Word The easiest prayer in the world is the kind of prayer we do during the Liturgy of the Word: we simply listen to God speak to us. It's like sitting in the sun. When the word of God is spoken at liturgy, God is speaking to us "live. " We're not listening to something God once said. We're not being taught a lesson. The living God is speaking "live" to us here and now. First Reading from the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament), chosen to harmonize with the Gospel message indicating the unity and continuity of both Testaments.

Catholicism: Religion, Theology, History, Churches. Catholic School Chronicle Daily. Catholic educators.