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Booksie's Blog. When in Doubt, Read! Rachel Cotterill Book Reviews: Review & Rating Policy. I mostly read mysteries, traditional & urban fiction, near-future sci-fi, and books with an international or travel slant... but I have pretty eclectic taste. Take a look at some of my favourites (e.g. fantasy, mystery, nonfiction) for an idea of the kind of things I love. I am currently in the process of refocusing my blog to concentrate on recommendations and as such will only be posting reviews for books I really like. Since I don't tend to finish books I'm not absorbed by, this is a minor change in practice, but I want to be more conscious about it. Unfortunately, this means I can never guarantee completing a review. If you have a book that you think I'd love, and you're happy to provide a Kindle edition for review, please fill out the form below.

All reviews are an honest representation of my opinions, and I also give a star rating to indicate my level of enjoyment: Star ratings are based entirely on my personal feelings. Self-published authors: Indie writers are welcome here. Booksie's Blog. Books Direct: List Your Book. Optional:Complete the interview form.Indicate what prize(s) you are willing to offer in a Giveaway (please specify amount of gift card, book format, quantity, and whether it will be open to US only, US/Canada, or international).If you are seeking a review, please include a copy of your book (.mobi preferred, .epub, or .pdf format). Please note: I do not review erotica, fantasy, or science fiction.

Please allow at least one week's notice, preferably more. All requests will be dealt with in order of receipt, with the exception of items with specific promotional dates. As a matter or expediency, some blog posts may be prepared before I have reviewed the book, but I will add my review once I have read it. I will email you the link once the blog post is prepared. I look forward to hearing from you. Lynda. TNBBC's The Next Best Book Blog. Dear Author. Recent Reads.