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Carles Tenorio online Portfolio. Game art & another things. Art of Jin. Blendbend. Mínima expresión. 2010 Portfolio Site. Hoisel. Skottie Young. Carles Tenorio online Portfolio. Captain. As the models in this image will be used for a still frame, the topology contributing to their appearance will not require deformation for the purposes of animation.


As a result, reduction of the geometry (that determines the model’s topology) can be Decimated, as opposed to being retopologized, for Realtime Viewport interactivity during texturing. The above image is a test render to depict the textures applied to certain models for a Color Pass. Ambient Occlusion, Transparency, Sub-Surface Scattering, Glossy and Material Properties have been excluded from this Pass. Ramon Miranda. Ray Mairlot.