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Creative Commons Search. Movers 2.0. Fix-It Club. PictuTools. CouponsHelper. InvisibleHand. Ciuvo - Price check in your Browser. Craigslist Fusion. Repurposing, Crafts, & DIY Tutorials - Really Random Tips | SchoolhouseRockVids. How to Escape a Sinking Car: An Illustrated Guide. Nearly 12% of the bridges in the United States have been deemed “structurally deficient” by the Federal Highway Administration. It’s scary to think that one might collapse while you’re driving over it, plunging your car into the water below. Becoming a victim of bridge collapse is hardly the only way to end up in a submerged vehicle, however. Many drivers simply skid out around a curve, go over a guard rail, and end up in a body of water. According to some studies, over 10,000 water immersion auto accidents happen each year. Finding yourself in a sinking vehicle can be a terrifying experience and panic can keep you from being able to escape.

For more details on escaping a sinking car, check out this post. Illustration by Ted Slampyak. Winter Driving Tips: How to Recover from 5 Types of Skids. How to do anything. What do you think of self sufficient living? - Survival Food Gear. Self Sufficient Living During a disaster, you may only have yourself to rely on and if you have not gained self sufficient living skills before disaster strikes, you may not be able to take care of yourself in the days after. Government, to include local, state and federal will be in disarray for the first few days and even longer in some cases. It can be weeks before disaster relief agencies reach your area.

You pay for utilities so you are not necessarily considered reliant on someone else because you do work and pay for your water, electrical, trash pickup and gas services. In modern society, services are offered to municipalities as a whole and it is up to you whether you want to participate by purchasing those services. The downfall of course is once the services are no longer available you are left without. Less Dependence on Your Current Food Source Food is always a priority regardless of the situation. Water Without water, you cannot survive. Energy Source. Broadcastify - Live Police, Fire, EMS, Aircraft, and Rail Audio Feeds.