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Blended Learning

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Classes should do hands-on exercises before reading and video, Stanford researchers say. By David Plotnikoff Transformative Learning Technologies Lab/Stanford GSE The researchers drew on data gathered from students using the BrainExplorer, a tabletop tool that simulates how the human brain processes visual images.

Classes should do hands-on exercises before reading and video, Stanford researchers say

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Report: 6 Blended Learning Models Emerge. Collaboration | News Report: 6 Blended Learning Models Emerge Even as it "disruptively" transforms American education, blended learning is itself being slowly reshaped into new and distinctive forms.

Report: 6 Blended Learning Models Emerge

A report released this week identified six emerging models for blended learning in K-12, ranging from guided online instruction in the classroom to "self-blended" models where students take courses a la carte. Report cites 40 diverse examples of blended learning. Educators also give their ‘wish lists’ for blended learning technology, policy By Meris Stansbury, Associate Editor Read more by Meris Stansbury May 3rd, 2011 The sample of programs studied was large enough to indicate trends in blended-learning usage.

Report cites 40 diverse examples of blended learning

The term “blended learning” encompasses a number of different instructional models in use across the country, but who has the time to compare and contrast these programs for an analysis of what blended learning means today? A new report does just that, and it also collects instructors’ opinions of this type of learning. The report, titled “The Rise of K-12 Blended Learning: Profiles of Emerging Models,” is part of a series on blended learning by Michael B.