People are constantly just talking on their phones and they are saying what they want that's freedom of speech but you're not talking to someone face to face at the end of the day. You do have the right to say what you want and what you feel and that's a right that is very important in social media but unfortunately some abuse that power, that's when the restrictions come in. In the Age of Social Media, Expand the Reach of the First Amendment. The First Amendment only limits governmental actors—federal, state, and local—but there are good reasons why this should be changed.
Certain powerful private entities—particularly social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and others—can limit, control, and censor speech as much or more than governmental entities. A society that cares for the protection of free expression needs to recognize that the time has come to extend the reach of the First Amendment to cover these powerful, private entities that have ushered in a revolution in terms of communication capabilities. While this article focuses on social media entities, the public/private distinction and the state action doctrine are important beyond cyberspace. The National Football League’s reaction to Colin Kaepernick and other players “taking a knee” during the playing of the National Anthem is a pristine example of private conduct outside the reach of the First Amendment under current doctrine. Donald Trump's attacks on social media threaten the free speech rights of all Americans. Given that US president Donald Trump appears to use Twitter almost instinctively, his recent attacks on the platform may seem counterintuitive.
But his feud with Twitter is another example of the ways in which the president has routinely distorted the principles of the First Amendment in order to undermine the very freedoms he claims to be championing – as well as American democracy more broadly. On May 26, Trump tweeted that – contrary to all available evidence – mail-in voting is plagued by rampant voter fraud. Twitter placed a factcheck label on the tweet linking to information demonstrating the falsity of Trump’s claims. In response, Trump attacked Twitter, accusing it of stifling “free speech” and threatened to take measures to strongly regulate social medial platforms or to potentially close them down entirely. These abuses must be recognised and challenged. How Free Speech and Social Media Fit Together.
Free Expression on Social Media. By Lata Nott, Executive Director, First Amendment Center Updated by Brian Peters, Intern, First Amendment Center The First Amendment protects individuals from government censorship.
Social media platforms are private companies, and can censor what people post on their websites as they see fit. But given their growing role in public discourse, it’s important to ask ourselves–what exactly are their censorship policies? How do they compare to each other, and to the First Amendment’s protections? What can and can’t you say in the town squares of the internet? Mouseover or tap each social media icon for more information. Legend = Facebook = Instagram = Reddit = Snapchat = Tumblr = Twitter = Youtube Related Resources link_type: nonenew_window: 0. Does Freedom of Speech Exist - Emerging Media - Loyola University Maryland. When the first Amendment was put into place freedom of speech was born, we were all given the right to express any opinion without censorship or restraint.
Being able to let words roll off of your tongue without having to second guess your thoughts could possibly be one of the greatest perks of living in America. Although we are free to say what we want, we are not allowed to express any opinion that offends, threatens, or insults groups, based on race, color, religion, national orientation, or disability (hate speech). Does freedom of speech apply online if we are given limitations? Is there a way to compromise? Social media has become a one stop shop for many; keeping up with current events, celebrity gossip, a journal, a tool to grow business and most importantly a sanctuary where the first amendment could be utilized as a shield protecting them from the consequences of their words. Twitter might have found the recipe. Gabrielle Byrd Emerging Media Graduate Student.