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Dr. J Hope Carey

I'm Iish maiden who resides in TX. I'm here to exchange knowledge, and make friends. I'm interested in many topics, Social Media i.e. G+, Politics, Cloud computing, etc. I hope you will choose to share your wisdom with me. 1 of my websites is above. Thanks, 2careyhope

The top 10 of Anything and Everything!!!The top 10 of Anything and Everything!!! Hope Carey. All Cotton Sleepwear. Cincinnati airport. (100) Mike Downes - Google+ - How to Set Your Location One of the first questions to be… Google+ Insider's Guide » Pro-Tips, Feature Updates, & Who to Circle. How to Increase Your Google+ Followers. Bloggers and marketers are always aiming to weave magic by placing their brand in front of as many people as possible without having to show up. That is why I like video marketing and blogging because after you have recorded or written it and then uploaded it, your presence whether it is on video or in the written word continues to be read or viewed while you sleep all around this social and intriguing web world. The online videos educate while you snooze and the blog articles inform while you nap… that is what I call efficiency and leverage!

Social Networks such as Facebook and the fast rising Google+ (which is projected to reach 20 million users by this weekend) provide platforms to leverage your content and spread your brand. How to Make your Ideas and Content Spread I added the Facebook social plugin to my blog a few months ago and it created a significant increase to the number of Facebook likes (or fans) for my Facebook ‘page’. Add People to Google+ While you Sleep Step 1. Step 2. Badge - Google+ Platform. Page Badge Tag The Google+ badge allows visitors to engage with your brand directly from the badge itself.

Badge - Google+ Platform

The minimum code required to render a Google+ badge on your website is one JavaScript include and a badge tag. You can also use an HTML5-valid badge tag by setting the class attribute to g-page, and prefixing any badge attributes with data-. Example badge sizes Tag attributes for the pages badge These parameters control settings for each badge. Direct Connect Google+ Direct Connect helps visitors find your Google+ page and add it to their circles from directly within Google Search. You can also connect your site by simply linking to your Google+ page anywhere on the page using a standard <a> element and include the rel="publisher" attribute on the link.


Google Plus Tips & Shortcuts. “the motherlode of Google+ tips for all y’all suckas that don’t know…” – Donny Rhoades I figured it would be useful to put all of the Google Plus tips and shortcuts I have found thus far in one handy place.

Google Plus Tips & Shortcuts

Please add any additional tips you discover in the comments. NEW! Hitler Explains Google Search Plus Your World Tips Last Updated:9/1/11 7:08am PST - Google+ currently does not support “entities” that are not people, but they will in the future (see this discussion between Danny Sullivan and Brad Horowitz) . - You have to click on the “Chat with people on Google+” link to enable chat within Google+ but then you get IM functionality. - When chatting to people you can drag the top of the chatting box to resize the chatting window - Go start a chat on Google Talk on your phone.

. - +Everything:This extension adds the Google+ bar to all websites. - +1 Button: Plus one every page you like with only one click, directly from omnibox, without any annoying popup - New! - New! Now, some caveats: . Google Tools. G+ News, Resources,Tips,Lists & Guides. Me.
