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5 Reasons Life Actually Does Get Better. In the last year you've probably heard "It gets better" used as a motto to encourage gay teens who've been the victims of bullying.

5 Reasons Life Actually Does Get Better

This is not a rebuttal of that, because I am not an asshole. What I do want to do is expand that message to everyone that age, whether you have a bully problem or not. I figure it's time, as I tend to write about dark and often brutally depressing subjects, like how I was a smoldering drunk for over half of my life and how much my parents sucked at being parents. But I do it for a reason. I figure there are a lot of people in the same situation who feel like they're alone. So, as a man with a truly shitty past, let me say that it's not just a slogan. The Money Situation Will Improve (Even if it Doesn't) I'm not saying you'll be rich when you grow up. My girlfriend and I recently broke into the middle class after years of living one paycheck away from homelessness. GettyAbove, a stray one scouts the wild for its next victim.

Getty Photos.comSure, you'll do. 4 Famous Authors and Their Hip-Hop Equivalents. Stephanie Meyer and Soulja Boy Stephenie Meyer is the author of the wildly successful Twilight series and Soulja Boy is the creator of the wildly successful "Soulja Boy" song, and you've no doubt seen or heard about these two pop culture phenomenons dozens of times.

4 Famous Authors and Their Hip-Hop Equivalents

If you've somehow managed to avoid both of these things, I'm in love with you. The Pointless, Biographical Similarities Stephenie Meyer never even wanted to be a writer. She'd never written any stories or treatments or proposals, she was happy being a Mom, and just wrote the Twilight vampire novels for herself, with no intention of ever seeking out a publisher. Style Art is subjective, but Soulja Boy is not a very good rapper, and Stephenie Meyer is not a very good author. If this article wasn't already 3,500 words, I would absolutely use this detail for an entry on King/Method similarities. Both artists represent the absolute worst extreme of their chosen field. Content How about I let the writing speak for itself: Soulja Boy.

7 Insane Easter Eggs Hidden in Movies and TV Shows. The Hidden Madness in Apocalypto The only background information you need about this Easter egg is this: Mel Gibson is insane.

7 Insane Easter Eggs Hidden in Movies and TV Shows

GettyHe may also be Snidely Whiplash. Got it? OK, we're good to go. After the success of The Passion and faced with the impossibility of doing a sequel without pissing off the movie's considerable fanbase, Gibson decided to direct another long, violent film set hundreds of years in the past and spoken in an ancient language: Apocalypto. 4 Reasons We Need to Start Making Fun of Terrorists. They're Raging Hypocrites So, OK -- they may be an incompetent bunch of man-children.

4 Reasons We Need to Start Making Fun of Terrorists

But, at least from the perspective of a pious Muslim who thinks America is the enemy, they mean well, right? They're at least really sincere about wanting to get their countries back on track with good Muslim values and fight Western corruption. Well, no. By now you've seen Osama bin Laden's compound. Via Geoff FoxThis was custom-built for him. And a lot of porn! And they don't just fantasize about boning donkeys. Via Getty ImagesNot as funny for the donkey, who had to spend six months recovering. And the same group that won't let women learn or show their faces or do anything because they "value" them and want to "protect" them also likes to rape and sell them. And what were the 9/11 hijackers doing before they departed on their holy mission? 6 Things Nobody Tells You About Owning a Motorcycle. Getty I ride to work, which means I ride through exhaust, swarms of bugs, and whatever joy the elements bring me that day.

6 Things Nobody Tells You About Owning a Motorcycle

If I wear protective clothing, well, you can't wash that stuff too often, so it ends up smelling pretty funky, and that transfers straight to your body. And then there's rain. Has anybody ever told you what it's like to feel rain against your body at 65 mph? If you want to simulate this experience for yourself, that's easy: Just go stand in the yard in the middle of a Category One hurricane.

The 5 Craziest Buildings Ever Proposed With a Straight Face. The Dome Over Manhattan Have you ever walked through a crowded city street and said to yourself, "Man, I wish I had a big bubble over me right now?

The 5 Craziest Buildings Ever Proposed With a Straight Face

" No? Well, Buckminster Fuller did. And he didn't just picture an inverted cereal bowl over any old hellhole of a city either -- he wanted that bad boy over the heart of New York City: Manhattan. Via arttattlerFor once, The Simpsons didn't do it first. Before diving into this Science Fictionville craziness, we have to back up and talk about Fuller himself.

Via WikipediaHe had a big thing about domes. But back to the mile-high, two-mile-wide glass bubble Fuller wanted to jail Manhattan with. GettyAs opposed to "gunshot to the eardrum syndrome" we have now. Plus, according to Plucky Bucky F., keeping things like "weather" out of Manhattan would save the borough millions of dollars a year. Was Never Built Because ... As much as everyone loved Fuller's moxie, no one really saw the project as doable. Wait, this all sounds very familiar ... Oh wait.