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Oracle9i DBMS_LDAP - Accessing LDAP From PL/SQL. The DBMS_LDAP package is a PL/SQL API to enable programatic searches and modifications of data within LDAP directories.

Oracle9i DBMS_LDAP - Accessing LDAP From PL/SQL

In this article I'll demonstrate a simple LDAP search. Create DBMS_LDAP The DBMS_LDAP package is not loaded by default. To install it run the following script as SYS. SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catldap.sql Connect And Authenticate. How to redirect a certain group login in to another page apex oracle. Sitemap | blog Last Updated: 8 Dec 2013 related: ABANDON | BIND | Perl | StartTLS | UnboundID LDAP SDK | pass-through authentication | authorization state | distinguished name | PHP Who Should Read This Article LDAP administrators, and LDAP security professionals and other persons desiring a highly secure and professionally administered LDAP setup. Background: LDAP Authentication Overview An LDAP session (connection from a client) has an authorization state. LDAP clients use the BIND operation to change the authorization state of a session, including setting the authorization state of the connection back to anonymous.

When the directory server receives a BIND request from a client, the servers immediately reverts the authorization state of that connection is set to anonymous, and the authorization state remains in that state until a BIND request succeeds. APEX_LDAP. You can use APEX_LDAP to perform various operations related to Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) authentication.


Topics: AUTHENTICATE Function The AUTHENTICATE function returns a boolean true if the user name and password can be used to perform a SIMPLE_BIND_S, call using the provided search base, host, and port. Syntax APEX_LDAP.AUTHENTICATE( p_username IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_password IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_search_base IN VARCHAR2, p_host IN VARCHAR2, p_port IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 389, p_use_ssl IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'N') RETURN BOOLEAN; Parameters Table 11-1 describes the parameters available in the AUTHENTICATE function. Table 11-1 AUTHENTICATE Parameters Example The following example demostrates how to use the APEX_LDAP.AUTHENTICATE function to verify user credentials against an LDAP Server. LDAP Authentication Via Groups. Dolgov's Oracle blog: How-to: apex LDAP authentication for dummies.

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