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Pipe Smoking

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Tamp and Puff • Index page. Tamp and Puff • View new posts. Smoking Pipe Tobacco. Tamping your way to better smokes - Smoking Pipe Tobacco. I received the following question on the Contact form from a fellow pipe smoker who is experiencing some problems. …sometimes when smoking, the smoke I am drawing starts to get thinner and the flavor tastes ashy. I imagine that the ember is not igniting more tobacco than the ash on top. I have read other recommendations from people who say they gently stir up the top most layer of the ash and dump it out, leaving the ember and tobacco behind. Is this a standard practice?

I try this, but I find I have to do it far too often or it doesn’t really remove the ash taste. I keep my pipe pretty clean, so i don’t think it is a dirty pipe causing this. I believe what you are experiencing is a problem that. . , right up there with fire and pipe cleaners. I can almost guarantee that if someone isn’t tamping right they either are not tamping often enough, tamping too hard, or both. Practice this while you are still getting full puffs of smoke. If you forget and the smoke gets thin, don’t worry. Watch live pipe smoking discussion. Peterson of Dublin. NightOwl PipeWorks - Custom Expert Briar and Meerschaum Pipe Repair. Notice Effective June 1, 2010. NightOwl PipeWorks will no longer offer refurbishment services. I will continue to offer the finest pipe repair services and custom repairs/improvements.

Thank you for your continued support. Prior to repairing pipes, I accumulated extensive experience in small instrument refurbishing, vintage watch restoration, digital electronics, and electrical nuclear construction. In the past few years, I have been featured in the Winter 2006 issue of Pipes & Tobaccos Magazine and the Winter 2007 issue of Uptown's Smoke Shop Collector's Highlight newsletter.

Currently, NightOwl PipeWorks is the sole pipe repair source for, providing service to complement the sale. These are some of the special techniques that I offer at NightOwl PipeWorks: The "Blueprint" technique is my term for opening the draft bore of a pipe for smooth smoking. My "Bulletproof Shank Repair" eliminates the need for bands on cracked or broken shanks. Pipes.