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Untitled Document. Da'at. For the band, see Dååth.


In Da'at, all sephirot exist in their perfected state of infinite sharing. The three sephirot of the left column that would receive and conceal the Divine Light, instead share and reveal it. Since all sephirot radiate infinite self-giving Divine Light, it is no longer possible to distinguish one sephira from another, thus they are one. Da'at is not always depicted in representations of the sefirot, and could in a sense be considered an "empty slot" into which the gem of any other sefirot can be placed. A Garden of Pomegranates: Product Summary. Tree of Life - Ten Sephirot of Kabbalah - Etz Chaim - Kabbalah Tree of Life. The Tree of Life, called the Etz Chaim in Hebrew, is a common visual depiction of the ten sephirot of Kabbalah.

Tree of Life - Ten Sephirot of Kabbalah - Etz Chaim - Kabbalah Tree of Life

Each sephirot represents an attribute of God through which he manifests his will. The Tree of Life does not represent a single, cleanly definable system. It can be applied to the formation and existence of both the physical world and metaphysical worlds, as well as to one's own soul, state of being, or understanding.