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My Origami Butterfly How To. Hello my dear friends, I am sure there are many tutorials out there on how to make an origami butterfly but I thought I would put a short tutorial together to share with you on how I made mine. The nice thing about this butterfly is that you should have everything right there with you that you will need to make these lovely fluttering creatures.

Beautiful paper butterflies! You will need the following: ~ Paper of your choice (nothing too thin or brittle)~ Scissors~ Ruler~ Pencil~ Ink pad (color of you choice) ~ Glue~ Thin wire~ Wire nose pliers So, let's start ... Choose the size you would like your square to be, mark it out on your paper and cut it out. Now start folding your paper as follows ... Fold your paper in half both ways. Then fold your paper diagonally both ways. Now fold the center folds inwards to make a big triangle that is open at the bottom ... ... like this. Next fold the top layer upwards towards the top. This is what your paper should look like at this stage. Karen B. DIY Faux Curled Rosewood Wreath {Made From Rolled Recycled Book Pages} I have seen various versions of Faux Rosewood Wreaths in just about every store and catalog for the upcoming season; most with a price tag running upwards of $40 or more.

Some are crafted of paper and other of real wood shavings. Last year I made a few rolled flower gift toppers from recycled book pages and they remind me so much of the curled wood roses I thought they would make a good substitute. {with a much lower price tag} Materials Needed:Foam Wreath FormRecycled Book PagesLots of Hot GlueRibbon to Hang The full step by step tutorial I posted last year can be found {here}.Basically you layer three book pages together and draw a spiral circle. Starting with the outside of the spiral, roll the paper inward to create the flower shape. Give the wreath form a light coat of white {or light color} spray paint to help camouflage any see-through spaces.

It seriously takes quite a few roses to fill the entire wreath, however I think the finished project has such a unique look. {Simply Lovely} Paper Flower Key Holder / Mark Montano. How to Make Paper Ornaments. September 1st, 2008 Email 169 users recommend These whimsical, gem-toned paper ornaments make a handsome addition to any tree. Jeff Rudell If you'd rather recycle materials, many glossy magazine covers are brightly colored and printed on heavy stock. Don't be afraid to experiment with the size (length and width) of the strips you use. Photo: Jeff Rudell 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6next> View all As someone who's folded 1,000 origami paper cranes, made miles of paper garland, and crafted individual paper shades for seven strings of holiday lights, I can say with some authority that if you're planning on creating crafts for the holidays, now is the time to begin work on those projects!

The truth is, it's not hard, not at all, but it is time consuming and there's the rub. Not being the sort of person to give up (or listen to reason), I proceeded to increase my production output. By mid-December, as I passed the halfway mark, I realized the task was substantially larger than anticipated.

Time consuming! How to Make a 3D Paper Snowflake: 11 steps (with pictures) Tested by: wikiHow Video Team wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 255 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 8,072,035 times. Co-authors: 255 Updated: May 6, 2021 Views: 8,072,035 Article SummaryX To make a 3D paper snowflake, you’ll need 6 square pieces of paper that are all the same size, scissors, and clear tape.

Did this summary help you? Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 8,072,035 times. Tested by: wikiHow Video Team wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. Co-authors: 255 Updated: May 6, 2021 Views: 8,072,035 Article SummaryX To make a 3D paper snowflake, you’ll need 6 square pieces of paper that are all the same size, scissors, and clear tape. Did this summary help you? Home made christmas baubles. Learn to make baubles like these from thin card. Paper Bauble Instructions One sheet of A4 card is enough for four homemade paper baubles.

Add glitter or use patterned paper for more vibrant effects. Here are step by step photographs of the process. Firstly score six lines lengthways on A5 (or widthways on A4) card. The lines need to be 1cm apart Cut six strips of card Make a nick at each end of each strip so that they can be joined together like this... to make a loop. The rest should be woven into a simple five pointed star shape like the one below. Now drop the ring on top and draw up the five strips that are under their neighbours at the edge. Now cross these with their neighbours, locking the ring in place then finally the fiddly task of locking each strip with itself. Happy Christmas! DIY Upcycled Fruit Basket.