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Watermelon Rind Preserves. Last weekend, E and I took a train down to Louisiana for a quick, two-night visit to my parents’ house in the country.

Watermelon Rind Preserves

We were eating a surprisingly sweet watermelon for lunch on Saturday when my father noticed it had something he hadn’t seen in a long time: a thick rind. It seems that watermelons are being bred to have increasingly thinner rinds because the red flesh is what most people care about. You probably haven’t missed the thick layer of white between the part of the watermelon that you eat and the green outer skin–unless, like me, you grew up eating sweet watermelon rind preserves on toast, made from a recipe that your grandmother probably got from her grandmother. With watermelon rinds so skimpy lately, my father–chief preserve and jelly maker in my family–hadn’t made preserves in years. But here was a rind that had potential, so soon my mother was taking down her recipe box and looking for my grandmother’s hand-written recipe.

Ingredients Instructions Note Never Miss a Recipe! Preserving Citrus: Before and After. Top: Jar of citrus preserves made from the fruit pictured.

Preserving Citrus: Before and After

Bottom: Overflowing bowls of lemons, oranges, and limes. My big February project was tackling citrus preserves. I purchased my weight in several varieties of lemons, oranges, and limes (though they were not Spokane-local, they were US grown—there are some fruits that don’t grow well in our region and I love citrus, but I did wait for crops grown in California rather than Mexico) and got busy. I have preserved citrus before, but never in this quantity. After much zesting, juicing, supreming, infusing, drying, boiling, and processing, I have quite a healthy citrus section in the pantry. Here’s what I accomplished (pictured above) and how I plan on using some of it. Back row, left to right: Lime Curd—perhaps my new favorite curd. Triple Sec—home-infused Triple Sec, from Mrs. Lemon Vodka—I’ve never made citrus vodka, and after the two weeks of infusing (the suggested time), I was not happy with the results, so I let it sit longer.

Mandarin Orange Prosecco Preserves Recipe. Mandarin Orange Prosecco Preserves Recipe Tags Add tags to help organize recipes in your box. ( Add Tags ) Ingredients ( Edit ) 4 Mandarin oranges, very thinly sliced into rounds 1/4 cup freshly squeezed Mandarin orange juice (from approximately 1-2 oranges) 1/2 cup Prosecco Granulated sugar Instructions Sterilize a one pint canning... In a large non-reactive pot... In the bowl of a food... See full instructions on Recycled Landscaping Ideas. The strong desire to be sustainable has led to an increase in the use of recycled materials in landscape design.

Recycled Landscaping Ideas

Check out this slideshow for ideas for reusing items and materials in your garden. Check out this list of four ways to know if you're being sustainable. Hang a Pallet Garden Up-cycling and vertical gardening are very popular, this idea combines them both. Take a discarded shipping pallet and turn it into a vertical garden. An added benefit is that a garden like this will keep plants up out of the reach of destructive pets and critters. Photo Credit: in Calimesa, CA.


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