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Crazy Medieval Medical Practices We Still Use. Medieval times were dark and without reason, or at least that’s what we’re taught to think.

Crazy Medieval Medical Practices We Still Use

But contrary to this popular belief, many of our common medical practices have roots in this period. Of course the treatments have been refined and the instruments standardized, but many practices are relatively unchanged. So if you’ve ever wondered about the origins of modern medical procedures, check out our list of amazing ones from the Middle Ages which we still use today: #1 Bloodletting A.K.A Phlebotomy We’re all shocked and disgusted when we hear about medieval bloodletting, but this seemingly crazy practice is still used today.

. #2 Drilling Into Your Head? Ever have a headache so bad you’d be willing to have someone drill a hole in your head to make it stop? #3 Saving Sight, or Torture? Cataracts certainly aren’t a 21st century ailment, and neither is the treatment for them. . #4 I Wouldn’t Want to Be Awake… What’s dwale you ask? Clyster also, known as the enema, was once considered a cure-all. The Most Painful Medical Procedures Of Medieval Times. Painful Medical Procedures Of Medieval Times: Trepanning Eclipsing the lobotomy in terms of age and pain, trepanning involved a physician cutting a hole into the skull of an individual suffering from what some believed to be mental illness, seizures or skull fractures.

The Most Painful Medical Procedures Of Medieval Times

The hole was typically cut into the dura mater and, surprisingly, the survival rate was very high and chance of infection remained low. Metallic Catheters What we consider a minor nuisance in most hospitals today was once a matter of excruciating and occasional fatal pain in the middle ages. Due to various venereal diseases and a lack of antibiotics, many people suffered from a blocked bladder. “The patient sits on a man’s lap…the physician stands before the patient, inserts two fingers into the anus, pressing with his left fist over pubes.”

10 Bizarre Medieval Medical Practices. Creepy Medicine is one of the cornerstones of modern civilization—so much so that we take it for granted.

10 Bizarre Medieval Medical Practices

It wasn’t always the case that you could just waltz into a doctor’s office to have them cure what ailed you. In medieval times, for example, things were a lot more dangerous, and a lot stranger. 10 Boar Bile Enemas Enemas in medieval times were performed by devices called clysters. Even kings were high up on the clyster. 9 Urine Was Used As An Antiseptic Though it may not have been common, there is evidence to suggest that urine was occasionally used as an antiseptic in the Medieval Era. This isn’t quite as insane as it seems: urine is sterile when it leaves the body and may have been a healthier alternative than most water—which came with no such guarantee of cleanliness. 8 Eye Surgery (With A Needle) During the Middle Ages, cataract surgery was performed with a thick needle. The Meaning Behind Common Superstitions - Breaking A Mirror.

Eerie Rituals 1 of 13By Woman's DayEven if you don’t consider yourself a superstitious person, you likely say "God bless you" when someone sneezes or knock on wood.

The Meaning Behind Common Superstitions - Breaking A Mirror

Though these rituals aren’t logical, the idea of luck can be comforting when so many things are beyond our control. We set out to discover the source for some common superstitions.Black Cats 2 of 13Although in the U.S. we believe that having a black cat cross your path is bad luck, it's not the same the world over. In Egypt, for example, all cats are considered lucky. This dates back to ancient times, when cats were considered sacred. Our modern-day fear of black cats may stem from the Middle Ages, when it was believed that a witch could take the form of a black cat.ON WOMAN'S DAY: Surprising Phrase Origins Breaking A Mirror 3 of 13The belief that you’ll have seven years' bad luck if you break a mirror is said to come from the Romans, who were the first to create glass mirrors. Superstitions of medieval England.

Many superstitions today are a result of regional moral panic, these origins date back to medieval times when there was much ignorance in society and widespread illiteracy.

Superstitions of medieval England

It was an era where people believed in witches, evil spirits, and demons. There was a great belief in magic and the supernatural. People were extremely superstitious during this time period. Today, people still look back to the time of fearful peasants and their superstitions. With the help of the Church, contrived symbols, and sacramental aids, they could overcome many daily problems. For people who could read during this time, there was a list of what was known as “evil days” printed in almanacs.

There were three Mondays in the year when new ventures should never be started and these were the first Monday in April, the second Monday in August and the last Monday in December. During the mid 15th century, an estimated 200,000 people throughout Europe were put to death for practicing witchcraft. Like this:

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Moderns. Victorians. Restoration. Romantics. Renaissance. Medieval. Anglo-Saxons.