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#neolib_sm #authoritarianism #neofeud_sm- 02mySocDev03_2011Aug

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Tag: international #Protests #austerity #democracy. This morning, Sen.

tag: international #Protests #austerity #democracy

Harry Reid (D-NV), the Senate Majority Leader, said in a statement that he would postpone next week's vote on the PROTECT IP Act (PIPA). Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) followed with a statement that he would also halt consideration of the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA). Collectively, millions of people rose up and told Washington that these bills shall not pass.

This outcome was driven by an unprecedented day of online protests on Wednesday of this week, and the resulting coverage on cable and broadcast news networks had an effect. "Senator Reid made the right decision in postponing next week's vote on PIPA," said Center for Democracy and Technology president Leslie Harris. Wikipedia, Google, BoingBoing, Reddit, O'Reilly Media and thousands of other websites, blogs and individual citizens asked their communities to take a stand and contact Washington. On Wednesday morning, according to ProPublica's SOPA Tracker, U.S. I concur with that last point. The statement continued: Israel's social protests are anything but dead - Ha'aretz. Israel's social protests are anything but dead. „Alle Errungenschaften der Nachkriegszeit stehen zur Disposition“

Ein Interview zur Finanzkrise mit dem früheren ekuadorianischen Wirtschaftsminister und Mitglied der „Stiglitz-Kommission“ Pedro Páez.Frage: Sie haben kürzlich auf dem Attac-Kongreß in Freiburg die Ansicht vertreten, es gäbe nicht nur eine riesige Finanzkrise, sondern diese Krise gefährde unsere ganze Zivilisation.

„Alle Errungenschaften der Nachkriegszeit stehen zur Disposition“

Wie begründen sie das? Pedro Páez: Was wir erleben, ist tatsächlich nicht nur eine Finanzkrise sondern das Versagen der Gegenmittel für diese strukturelle Krise. Wir haben ein Problem der Lebensweise, das Verhältnis von Mensch und Natur ist in Gefahr. Die einzige Möglichkeit, aus dieser Krise herauszukommen, besteht in einem qualitativen technologischen Sprung, speziell was die Energie angeht. Die Zeit, in der es billige Energie gab, ist vorbei. Sie rechnen mit mehr Kriegen? Wenn wir nicht gemeinsam handeln, wenn die Gesellschaft nicht ihre Prinzipien verteidigt, wird uns dieses oligarchische Netzwerk von Spekulanten in mehr Kriege und immer mehr Spekulation verwickeln. „Alle Errungenschaften der Nachkriegszeit stehen zur Disposition“  22.

„Alle Errungenschaften der Nachkriegszeit stehen zur Disposition“ 

August 2011 um 8:55 Uhr „Alle Errungenschaften der Nachkriegszeit stehen zur Disposition“ Verantwortlich: Wolfgang Lieb Ein Interview zur Finanzkrise mit dem früheren ekuadorianischen Wirtschaftsminister und Mitglied der „Stiglitz-Kommission“ Pedro Páez.Frage: Sie haben kürzlich auf dem Attac-Kongreß in Freiburg die Ansicht vertreten, es gäbe nicht nur eine riesige Finanzkrise, sondern diese Krise gefährde unsere ganze Zivilisation. Wie begründen sie das? Pedro Páez: Was wir erleben, ist tatsächlich nicht nur eine Finanzkrise sondern das Versagen der Gegenmittel für diese strukturelle Krise. Eines Tages komme der "Aufstand des Gewissens", Jean Ziegler! #UK #riots 2011 #aftermath - 02mySocDev01-2011Aug. "[...]As William Wall argues, we are living in neoliberal times, in which stru..." As William Wall argues, we are living in neoliberal times, in which structural inequalities are at their highest since the 19th Century, and we should begin to articulate these riots in this context; as Zygmunt Bauman pointed out ‘these are riots of defective and disqualified consumers’; or as Laurie Penny aptly argues, they are about grasping some power or rebalancing the balance of power.

"[...]As William Wall argues, we are living in neoliberal times, in which stru..."

These are all thoughtful reflections to articulate the riots. They are all commendable, as are the videos of the Hackney Afro-Caribbean woman and the Darcus Howe interview. I am certain that, in times of discontent, we all gather our knowledge and experience to address the present, and expertise is not necessarily a required skill. We have all heard strangers on the tube or the bus opening up to each other, trying to share their experiences and understanding of these days. Here is an approximation of the story. 02mytwi01: From #neoliberalism to #au... Slavoi Zizek - on the riots in UK 201108. Slavoj Žižek - on the riots in UK 201108 - Shoplifters of the World Unite · LRB 19 August 2011. Repetition, according to Hegel, plays a crucial role in history: when something happens just once, it may be dismissed as an accident, something that might have been avoided if the situation had been handled differently; but when the same event repeats itself, it is a sign that a deeper historical process is unfolding.

Slavoj Žižek - on the riots in UK 201108 - Shoplifters of the World Unite · LRB 19 August 2011

When Napoleon lost at Leipzig in 1813, it looked like bad luck; when he lost again at Waterloo, it was clear that his time was over. The same holds for the continuing financial crisis. In September 2008, it was presented by some as an anomaly that could be corrected through better regulations etc; now that signs of a repeated financial meltdown are gathering it is clear that we are dealing with a structural phenomenon. We are told again and again that we are living through a debt crisis, and that we all have to share the burden and tighten our belts. Naomi Klein - The Paradox of Crisis - Youtube video ~25min. Naomi Klein - The Paradox of Crisis. #Hungary #Ungarn #Hongrie - 02myExsocSta_201108_no01.