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Dishcloth Boutique

Caught in someones frames, break free.Be sure and visit the Dishcloth Botique Message Board to see what's new! Dish and Wash Cloth Mania. Wherepick up gusset stitches. MINI KNITTING LESSON....HOW TO PICK UP THOSE ELUSIVE GUSSET STITCHES This series of photos was taken by Sande's co-worker Pat Brown, of Sande knitting at work shows us how to pick up stitches on the edge of a heel flap to start the gusset.

wherepick up gusset stitches

In Sande's own words, "I get this lovely open chain selvage by using a garter st border on my heel flap and slipping the first st on each row with yarn in front. If you don't K the first and last st of every row the steps to get a chain selvage are a bit different. I think that on stockinet you can just slip the first st on both K and P rows and get the same effect. I have never found picking up in the bumps to be much fun, so now I only do it the easy way. "My chain edges are much more even than if I were to K the first st of every K row. In photo two, Sande shows us in which direction to wrap the yarn around the needle. And of course, photo four shows the final product. or Wool Works. Knitting Today. Knitting. Jean Greenhowe Designs Official Website - Jean Greenhowe free knitting patterns, knitted dolls, toys.

From our postbag we know that innumerable kind-hearted people knit my dolls and toys to raise much needed funds for charity and other worthwhile causes.

Jean Greenhowe Designs Official Website - Jean Greenhowe free knitting patterns, knitted dolls, toys

With this charity aspect in mind I have designed The Rainbow Babies as the first new and exclusive free pattern on our website. Ideal as fund-raisers, these sweet Babies are quick to knit and each one only requires 25 grams [less than 1 ounce] of yarn and the same amount of stuffing. The doll measures just 17cm [6¾ in] high without the cap. The feet, legs, body and head are knitted in one piece and the ‘babygrow’ garment is part of the doll. The only separately knitted pieces are the arms, cap and scarf.

You can make pink or brown Babies, but be sure to choose lovely bright colours for the rest of the design, in keeping with the rainbow theme. With your help I hope the Babies will create a beautiful RAINBOW all around the world. Click here to download the Rainbow Babies free pattern. Jean Greenhowe's Meet the Ghostlys Happy haunting! Knitting Tips. If you can locate a join at a seaming location, that is always best.

Knitting Tips

You can just run the ends along the inside of the seamed edge, and it's invisible. All other joins are slightly imperfect, so best to locate them inconspicuously if possible, like under the arm of a sweater. Felting will only work with wool, and some other animal fibers. Always try a test sample first with your yarn to see if it will work, and to see if you like the results! If you are using a smooth, shiny wool, felting will give it a dull look where felted, and a stiffer feel. For non-felted joins, you will have an end that pops out of work slightly; make sure this end is where you want it, by leaving a bit of yarn (1/4"-1/2") sticking out on the inside of the garment, or in as inconspicuous a place as possible. Joining the Same Color Yarn Knit-in Join. Joining a New Color Yarn Duplicate Stitch Join view video (shows how to Weave in the Ends). Combined knitting Q&A. Q I am having terrible problems holding the yarn in place to pick/scoop for my purl stitches.

combined knitting Q&A

I've tried several methods of wrapping and finally ended up holding the yarn between my index and thumb, which is very awkward, slow and uncomfortable. This method is so fast for knitting, that if I can master the purl I will probably stay with it, rather than the English (wrap) style that I've always used. I hope you can help. A When I teach knitting I tell my students that my dream for them is that they'll discover their own "perfect" method of knitting that suits them, and I'll never tell them that they're doing anything "wrong" as long as they're getting the result they want... However, the only thing I do try really hard to deter is wrapping the yarn around the hand in a cat's cradle for tensioning. The Sock Calculator. TECHknitting