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Fresh Homemade Soy Milk ? kiss my spatula | food + photography. Hello again…remember me? I’ve missed you! I feel like a long, overdue library book. Instead of the late fee, I owe you a few posts. Let me make it up to you. First things first. Now that feeling has mostly returned in my fingertips, I’m mitten-free and ready to go again. FRESH HOMEMADE ORGANIC SOY MILKKiss My Spatula’s version of her childhood soy milk, yields about 5 cups I buy dried organic soy beans in bulk at our local Island grocery store. 16 oz. sets you back $1.25 or so and produces almost 30 cups of milk! Music Pairing: The Cure, Just Like Heaven Ingredients 1/2 cup dried organic yellow soy beans1/8 tsp salt1/8 cup granulated sugar, plus more to taste Method Rinse dried soy beans thoroughly and drain. Put soybeans and 2 1/2 cups of water in a blender. Strain milk through a fine-mesh sieve lined with cheesecloth into a bowl, pressing on soybeans to squeeze as much liquid out as possible.

Homemade Irish cream « One Particular Kitchen. St. Patrick’s Day is coming! Why not celebrate with your own Irish cream? This is kind of cobbled together from a bunch of different recipes, adjusted for what sounded good to me. I used: 1 can sweetened condensed milk1 cup heavy cream1 1/2 cups Irish whiskey1 packet VIA instant coffee (or 2 Tbsp. strong brewed coffee or espresso)2 tbsp chocolate syrup1 tsp vanilla Your goal here is to blend this all really, really well — I used an immersion blender, but just tossing it all in your regular blender will work fine too. Egg Nog. Starting out, fake out egg nog with fresh fruit. If you want to know how to make authentic nog, click here. White chocolate, melted over a double broiler. Fresh Raspberries closeup. Tiny egg molds, I only covered a thin layer of it, because I want the eggs to be hollow. When the shell dries, put in fresh fruit.

Add store bought egg nog. Add some white chocolate (melted) around the edges of the mold, and glue both sides together, put it in the freezer. Once they come out of the freezer, they should look like this. The little eggs should look like this. Now to make a shell for egg nog WITHOUT fresh fruit, the classic way, I used a regular egg, made a mold out of it, and then did the same thing I did for the little eggs, which was brush a thin layer and place it in the freezer, same exact way. Fake egg (hollow) and real egg. To add some decoration, I used edible gold dust. Use corn syrup to wet the powder. You can present it like this… Or this; branches with a plastic holder glued on. Egg nog! Null. Strawberry Basil Lemonade. This Strawberry Basil Lemonade is coming to ya from the archives but I’ve given it a bit of a face lift. Strawberry Basil Lemonade was basically the first drink recipe I ever post on WGC and it’s been my most requested drink ever since.

It’s a refreshing blend of homemade lemonade that gets fresh strawberries and basil pureed into the mixture. Depending on who’s enjoying this with me, I’ll add a glug or two of gin or just leave it “virgin” and enjoy it over some ice. Either way, it’s the best drink out there and you should probably be drinking this come Monday by the pool working on your tan. At least that’s what I’ll be doing poolside, in Tucson, with my besties. And while this doesn’t directly figure into book tour, I’ve also managed to schedule just about every single meal while I’m in Tucson so I can hit up my favorite places to stuff my face while I’m there. So in the meantime, grab some lemons, strawberries and a handful of fresh basil and let’s make some cocktails or mocktails!

Mint Lemonade. A recipe for hydration: "Sassy Water" - Memphis cooking.