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Jesus and Santa Claus | Galileo Unchained. Harriett Hall (the SkepDoc) wrote a clever story about two kids trying to figure out whether the tooth fairy really exists or not. Inspired by that, and in keeping with the season, I’d like to imagine two kids arguing about Santa. It was early December, and little Jerry had begun to doubt the existence of Santa Claus.

He made his case to his younger brother Kyle. “I don’t think Santa is real. I think it’s just Mom and Dad buying us presents,” Jerry said. “Prove it,” Kyle said. “Okay, why are there all those Santas on the street corners ringing for money? “They’re not the real Santa, just his helpers,” Kyle said. “But I recognized one of them—it was the father of one of my friends.” “Then those are just ordinary people imitating Santa, raising money for a good cause. Jerry sees that he’s not making any progress, so he gives up. “Mom just told Santa,” Kyle said. “But how can Santa get around the world in one night?” “My friends all say that Santa is real. Jerry gives up for the year. “Why not? Catholic League launches “Adopt An Atheist” campaign - Scranton Atheism. Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League, has recently started “a new initiative aimed at atheists” titled “Adopt an Atheist.”

Donohue asks “everyone to contact the American Atheist affiliate in his area, letting them know of your interest in “adopting” one of them.” He writes, “Let them know of your sincere interest in working with them to uncover their inner self. They may be resistant at first, but eventually they may come to understand that there were Christian all along.” If we hurry, [...] they will no longer be looked upon as people who believe in nothing, stand for nothing and are good for nothing.” Donohue provides a link in his news release that lists a number of American Atheist state directors in addition to President David Silverman and Director of State Operations Ken Loukinen. Saying that atheists pretend to be Christians or otherwise hide their identities is not a controversial claim by any means.