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Reddit Marketing: The Complete Guide to Using Reddit Unless this is your first time on the internet, chances are you've heard of Reddit. Self-proclaimed "The Front Page of the Internet," Reddit is one of the most fascinating and active places online to discover and share cool content. If you're a marketer, you should immediately understand the potential this resource has to bring the very best content you are publishing to the attention of its 90 million unique visitors (as of last month alone). Reddit is a powerful and fair community of people that doesn't like to be led astray by underhanded marketing efforts, so how exactly do you leverage it to provide valuable content to users while also plugging your product? Demographics In order to understand if Reddit is going to even make sense as a marketing channel for your product or service, we first need to understand the demographics of the people that make up this wonderful community. Reddit users are actually quite well educated. How to Post A couple of other things to note as you post:

Le test du marshmallow Selon certaines études scientifiques, l'expérience du marshmallow, c’est LE test qui permet le mieux de prédire la réussite dans la vie d'un individu. Pourquoi ? Parce qu'elle permet de mesurer la sensibilité à la gratification différée. Temps de lecture : environ 15 mn. 1 - LE TEST DU MARSHMALLOW L’expérience de Walter Mischel On voulait vous présenter deux personnes. Ils ont tous les deux six ans, et pas mal de trucs en commun. Un jour, en rentrant dans leur salle de classe, ils découvrent un marshmallow posé sur leur table. Ils se disent : “Génial, un marshmallow” ! Pas la peine d’appeler la police : le type bizarre, c’est juste un chercheur en économie comportementale - aux Etats-Unis, ils appellent ça un comportementaliste. La gratification différée : le secret de la réussite Pour prendre un exemple, re-voici Tom et Nico, 20 ans plus tard. Nico gère. Avant, Tom et Nico étaient deux gamins assez proches. Pourtant, il n'y avait rien de particulier dans ce marshmallow. Erreur.

The Procrastination Matrix Note: To best understand this post, you should first read Part 1 of Wait But Why’s previous post on procrastination. PDF: We made a fancy PDF of this post for printing and offline viewing. Buy it here. (Or see a preview.) Back in high school, if you had asked me if I was a procrastinator, I would have said yes. High school students are given all these lectures about “pacing yourself” on longer projects, and I proudly paced myself less than almost anyone I knew. Except I wasn’t. There was definitely an Instant Gratification Monkey in my head, but he was cute more than anything. One day, high school ended, and so did my life as a somewhat normal-acting person. Without deadlines to occupy him, my Panic Monster, who can’t think too far ahead, began to spend a lot of time in hibernation. The more the Panic Monster slept, the more confidence the monkey gained. The RDM would slip further into despair, and only the times when things reached their most dire would anything change. Not quite.
