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How To Create a ‘Personal Learning Environment’ to Stay Relevant in 2013

How To Create a ‘Personal Learning Environment’ to Stay Relevant in 2013
“Our understanding of learning has expanded at a rate that has far outpaced our conceptions of teaching. A growing appreciation for the porous boundaries between the classroom and life experience…has created not only promising changes but also disruptive moments in teaching.” EDUCAUSE Review, 2012 This quote from Disrupting Ourselves: The Problem of Learning in Higher Education (Bass, 2012), gives a good a reason as any for educators to develop a Personal learning Environment [PLE]; a space where we can keep up with the experimental modes of learning, instruction, changing pedagogy and instructional methods that surfaced in 2012. In a previous post I introduced the concept of PLEs and touched on why educators may want to consider developing a PLE for 2013. In this post I’ll outline how educators can develop their own PLE, where to start, and I’ll provide specific action steps, and what tools to use. We need to disrupt ourselves: The model of higher education is at a turning point.

Digitale Revolution der Lehre: Harvard für alle - Wissen 07.01.2013 16:15 Uhrvon Astrid Herbold Bild vergrößern An den Online-Kursen von US-Elite-Unis kann jeder kostenlos teilnehmen - das könnte das Geschäftsmodell amerikanischer Hochschulen erschüttern „Gestern habe ich die Uni gewechselt“, schreibt Dan Fellin aus Portland, Oregon, auf seinem Blog. Die MOOCs seien die MP3s der Hochschulbildung. Moment, halblang, wovon ist überhaupt die Rede? Sieht so der Anfang einer gigantischen Bildungsrevolution aus? Statt abgefilmter Vorlesungen bekommen die Teilnehmer kurze erklärende Einheiten vom Dozenten vorgetragen, dann folgt ein Verständnistest, erst dann geht das Video weiter. Nachdem Udacity den Anfang gemacht hatte, zogen andere nach. Udacity, edX und Coursera haben innerhalb der Universitätslandschaft hohe Wellen geschlagen, die auch in Deutschland angekommen sind. Das Zertifikat, das das HPI ausstellt, hat dabei eher symbolischen Wert. In den USA hat man das Problem ebenfalls erkannt. Bislang sind vor allem die Tests methodisch eintönig.

Only humans can argue 35 Ways To Build Your Personal Learning Network Online Personal learning networks are a great way for educators to get connected with learning opportunities, access professional development resources, and to build camaraderie with other education professionals. Although PLNs have been around for years, in recent years social media has made it possible for these networks to grow exponentially. Now, it’s possible to expand and connect your network around the world anytime, anywhere. But how exactly do you go about doing that? Check out our guide to growing your personal learning network with social media, full of more than 30 different tips, ideas, useful resources, and social media tools that can make it all possible. Tips & Ideas Get started developing your social media PLN with these tips and ideas for great ways to make use of social tools. Actively make ties : It’s not enough to just follow and read, you need to connect. Guides Tools & Resources Want to really make the most of your PLN?

Personalized Learning - K-12 Education When learning is personalized, teachers help students find what they like and want to learn about and what their strengths and needs are. Then, the teacher sets up projects that are in line with the students’ interest and with academic standards. This growing movement is focused on changing the learning environment so students can take more ownership of their learning and teachers can work with them to discover their passions and interests. The breakthrough idea in personalized learning is the striking shift in the teacher-student team. In personalized learning, the teacher-student bond doesn’t matter less; it matters more. In November 2014, the Foundation released an interim report from the RAND Corporation—the first in what will be a series of research reports based on an ongoing long-term study of foundation-funded schools that are using a variety of approaches to personalized learning. Continued Progress: Promising Evidence on Personalized Learning (2015) >

What You Need to Know About MOOCs Watch How Free Online Courses Are Changing Traditional Education on PBS. See more from PBS NewsHour. For those still trying to piece together all the different definitions and scenarios of a MOOC (massive open online courses), this PBS Newshour segment presents a comprehensive overview of the evolution of this phenomenon. From the financial angle, MOOC startups are still trying to figure out how to make money. Sebastian Thrun of Udacity, Daphne Koller and Andrew Ng of Coursera, students, and other professors who question the wisdom of these classes weigh in. Student Tracy Lippincott’s perspective on teacher-student connection: “The thing that I really miss is actually personal contact with the professor. Sebastian Thrun on his view of lecturing: “It’s not my lecturing that changes the student, but it’s the student exercise.

Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they ... Board of Wisdom Log In Skip to Content Browse Quotes By Subject Special Collections Community Back A Favorite of 3178 users Watch your thoughts; they become words.Watch your words; they become actions.Watch your actions; they become habits.Watch your habits; they become character.Watch your character; it becomes your destiny. - - Frank Outlaw Posted by Anonymous ID#:7625 Discuss this quote Please Log In to post a comment. Lao-Tze was the originator of this quote. Posted by GiGi_juice 0 Replies Mark as Offensive View Mobile Version - Other Searches Search quotes by originator (who said it): Find quotes with an exact word or phrase: Show profile for user: Quote of the Day by Email This Site Suggestions What makes the best quotes? About this Site Privacy Policy Related Links Good reference-type quote site: Please confirm your action.

How to Create a Robust and Meaningful Personal Learning Network [PLN] This post describes how educators can develop a personal learning network that supports meaningful and relevant learning. The MOOC, Education Technology & Media, etmooc, is used here as a working example of how to develop a PLN. “My Personal Learning Network is the key to keeping me up-to-date with all the changes that are happening in education and how technology can best support and engage today’s students.” Brian Metcalfe: teacher, blogger at A visual image of participants in an open, online course- etmooc, which shows the potential to find and create personal connections as part of one’s PLN. (image credit: Alec Couros) I wrote a post recently about how to develop a personal learning environment [PLE], the need and benefits of doing so, for educators in particular. What is a PLN? Twitter 6×6 (Photo credit: Steve Woolf) Logo for etmooc from In the etmooc we are primarily using Google+ Community , Blackboard Collaborate and Twitter to interact. Resources

Competency-Based Learning or Personalized Learning Transitioning away from seat time, in favor of a structure that creates flexibility, allows students to progress as they demonstrate mastery of academic content, regardless of time, place, or pace of learning. Competency-based strategies provide flexibility in the way that credit can be earned or awarded, and provide students with personalized learning opportunities. These strategies include online and blended learning, dual enrollment and early college high schools, project-based and community-based learning, and credit recovery, among others. This type of learning leads to better student engagement because the content is relevant to each student and tailored to their unique needs. By enabling students to master skills at their own pace, competency-based learning systems help to save both time and money. The links on this page are provided for users convenience and are not an endorsement. State efforts District efforts Alternative/credit recovery schools and programs
