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Sydney laser and vision centre. Is LASIK safe? Ask eye surgeon Dr David Robinson — Sydney Laser and Vision Centre. LASIK has been around for over 30 years now, and has become the world’s favourite laser vision correction procedure. But is it safe? This post looks at how the femtosecond laser has transformed the safety profile of this procedure. 2 steps to get rid of your glasses LASIK is and always has been a 2-step procedure: · first, a thin flap of tissue is created using a laser or microkeratome · secondly, a special kind of cool laser (called an excimer laser) reshapes the underlying cornea and corrects your spectacle error The reason for having the flap is that it preserves the sensitive front surface of the cornea. Microkeratome – that’s a blade, right? So, how is this flap created? The characteristics of working with a blade meant that the centre of the flap could vary in thickness. Blade-free LASIK Then along came the femtosecond laser. Femtosecond works in a completely different way to the excimer laser used to reshape the cornea.

Does femto have any drawbacks? Ready to throw your glasses away? More about LASIK. Lasik medical remedy of eyes is intended to be the declaration to dreadful vision. Though showed up as a turning point in eye worry, a lot is to be determined. Lasik is a tightening of laser-assisted sitting Keratomileusis. A Lasik medical professional begins the procedure by making a flap in the cornea to reorganize it with lasers. Myopia, Hypermetropia, and Astigmatism can be resolved in the course of lasik surgery. An examination is required before any type of lasik surgical procedure. Are you cleared for Lasik? You need to go to the very least 18 years old with vital eyes as well as a secure refraction. Expecting as well as lactating females are debarred as hold your horses dealing with diabetes, rheumatoid joint inflammation, lupus, glaucoma, herpes infections of the eye, or cataracts.

You are refused if you take medications like Accutane ® or oral Prednisone Lasik does not promise twenty-twenty though it does guarantee some liberty from get in touch with lenses and also glasses. Consulting an Ophthalmologist About Vision Problems. Why choose us? — Sydney Laser and Vision Centre. How long have you been doing what you do, and what experience do you have? Dr. David Robinson ophthalmologist is the principal Lasik/Laser eye surgeon at Sydney Laser & Vision Centre, and has been practicing laser eye surgery for the past 25 years. He has personally performed over 8,000 Laser eye surgeries. Dr. Robinson is an experienced corneal eye doctor who has an extensive educational and training background.

What are Dr David Robinson eye doctor’s qualifications? How are you different from other laser eye surgeons in Sydney? Sydney Laser and Vision Centre is a boutique laser Centre that is not a franchise. Sydney Laser & Vision Centre uses the superior high-technology Schwind Excimer Laser. Our principal surgeon, Dr David Robinson eye doctor, has performed more than 8000 LASIK and LASER Vision Correction procedures. Our 2 hour free initial consultation is very comprehensive. Laser Eye Surgery — Sydney Laser and Vision Centre. LASIK Vision Correction is a technique used to help you see better without glasses. It can successfully correct Shortsightedness, Longsightedness and Astigmatism. LASIK stands for Laser Assisted In-Situ Keratomileusis. The word “Keratomileusis” is derived from two Greek words that literally mean “to shape the cornea”. “In-situ” means “within”. The term LASIK literally means “to shape the cornea from within using laser”.

There are 2 components of the LASIK procedure. Step 1: The formation of a Corneal Flap with INTRALASE. The flap is folded back to allow: Step 2: The reshaping the Cornea under the Corneal flap using the VISX Star S4™ Excimer Laser. What is INTRALASE? Intralase is a laser designed to create a 100% Blade-Free flap of corneal tissue at a precise, predetermined depth, prior to the actual reshaping of the cornea using the Excimer Laser. Advantages of INTRALASE? How Long does INTRALASE take? The Intralase method takes 30 seconds for the formation of the 100% blade-free flap. Cataract — Sydney Laser and Vision Centre. In traditional cataract surgery micro-incisions are created by a blade, the front of the lens is opened by hand and the lens divided by an ultrasonic probe.

Using the latest laser technology, patients now have the option of choosing a blade-less, computer-controlled Femtosecond laser to perform the early stages of the Cataract procedure with a high degree of precision. A Bladeless procedureMore precise incisions.A perfectly shaped and centered lens opening possibly leading to more accurate Intra-Ocular lens positioning and better visual results.A gentler procedure due to less manipulation of the eye. Laser- Assisted Cataract Surgery has the potential to reduce the energy, fluid and time used during Cataract Surgery therefore ensuring a faster, kinder and gentler approach leading to quicker visual recovery and less damage to delicate structures inside the eye.

The CATALYS ™ Precision Laser System has many advantages as listed: www.Sydney Sydney Laser and Vision Centre. The truth about LASIK – could it be safer than contact lenses? — Sydney Laser and Vision Centre. Nervous of LASIK because of the risk of complications? Sticking with your contact lenses? This post looks at the real risks of contact lens wear and whether LASIK might just be a safer option in the long term. Contacts are safer than they used to be, right? Corneal microbial infection is a rare but potentially catastrophic event, which can cause permanent scarring. Despite the inconvenience and discomfort, contact lenses have traditionally been seen as a safer option than laser eye surgery as a way of correcting shortsightedness and other visual errors.

The past decade has seen hundreds of millions of dollars being poured into research and development of new contact lens materials, designs and wearing modalities. Despite this massive investment, studies show that while comfort has improved, the rate of contact lens-related serious eye infections remains the same. A medical device becomes a commodity… How does corneal infection occur? The eye is an almost sterile environment. References. Reputable Lasik Eye Surgeon. Lasik Eye Surgeons You've likely already decided that Lasik Surgery would be right for you if you're reading this article. Congratulations! Congratulations! Let's now talk about the most important decision you will make this year: choosing the best Lasik Eye Surgeons in order to get the best possible vision.

Where else can I find Lasik Eye Surgeons in my area? Start your search by asking family, friends, and coworkers. Ask your family doctor for recommendations on Lasik Eye Surgeons. Ask your eye doctor for a referral. For information on local Lasik Eye Surgeons and refractive surgery centers, look in the Yellow Pages section of your phonebook. What should you look for in Lasik Eye Surgeons You should look for a Lasik surgeon who is affiliated with an academic medical center, teaching hospital, and has a reputation of using advanced technology. Questions to ask your Lasik surgeon Start jotting down questions you want to ask during your consultation. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Choose a LASIK Eye Surgeon. So you're ready to cost-free on your own from your dependence on glasses or contacts.

What's the next step? Call a couple of LASIK facility franchises and also see who supplies the lowest rate? Reconsider. This is your eyes we're discussing! Selecting your doctor is one of the most vital aspect of making the decision to undertake LASIK. Individuals must choose cosmetic surgeons who are experienced, certified, utilize quality tools and can execute procedures other than LASIK. Ensure You Have Met With the Doctor Prior To the Day of Your Treatment Part of fitting with elective surgical procedure is to have confidence in your cosmetic surgeon. In optional surgery such as LASIK, there should be enough time to carefully read the notified approval paper before surgical procedure. Ensure Your Eye Surgeon is Qualified. Some surgeons might have found out LASIK by taking a weekend course. Excellent doctors are usually identified with awards as well as special honors.

I. II. III. IV. V. An Ophthalmologist Is An Eye Doctor. An Introduction to LASIK.